Author's Note

2.2K 16 2

So, I randomly came to check on this short story and I noticed it has 215K reads. I am in totally shock right now, I kinda wrote this story as a joke and I did not expected it to get this many views.

I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support and nice comments I have received on this story. I am so thankful for each and everyone one of you deciding to read this short story, I didn't expect this outcome at all.

I also wanted to update you guys about my TikTok account @inyourmumsbasement69. I have been very inactive on it and have not posted in months. I would like to apologise for that, I'm just going through a rough patch in life and haven't had the time to post. I am thinking about discontinuing that profile but I still need to think about it.

Thank you for reading this little authors note, I hope you have an amazing day/night.

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