Part 2 ~ A Nightmare Arrival

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You awoke from another terrible nightmare. You were trapped in the blinding white cell that was known as your "room" at the Hydra testing facilities. There were no windows and no furniture whatsoever, you had to sleep on the hard tile floor every night. Or was it night? You had no way of knowing.

You woke up breathing heavily, tears streaming down your face. You decided to go downstairs for a (your fav drink)

You quickly fixed your pajamas until they looked presentable:

You quickly fixed your pajamas until they looked presentable:

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(This is what your pajamas look like, change if u want x)



Me and all the other Avengers were sitting together in the lounge when Y/n trudged downstairs and into the kitchen, wiping red and puffy eyes. We all knew it was best to stay quiet in these situations. I got up from where I was sitting on the couch and walked into the kitchen after her.

"Y/n are you alright? I asked softly, keeping my voice low.

"Yeah *sniff* I'm fine *sniff*" She replied in a voice quieter than mine.

"Another bad dream?" I questioned, using my powers to read her mind.

"Um- Yeah" She confessed, lowering her head and wrapping herself tighter in her cardigan.

"Hey its nothing to be ashamed about-" I whipped my head up as someone else entered the room.

It was Thor trying to sneak in to eat poptarts. Why was I surprised.

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry lady Y/n I didn't mean to intrude" Thor said quietly, bowing his head.

"Its fine Thor" Y/n said, managing a small smile. She then continued making her (your fav drink).

"Are you going to be fine tonight?"

"Yeah ill be fine" she answered.

I gave her a concerned look and she looked back, eyebrow raised. "You sure?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, telling me to stop worrying, then left the room, (your fav drink) in hand.



You woke up by yourself the next morning feeling oddly refreshed, then it hit you like a ton of bricks:

Loki is arriving at the tower today

You immediately flopped back into bed, sighing heavily at the prospect of meeting a new person for the first time in 6 months.

A couple minutes later, Nat and Wanda burst into your room.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD" shouted Nat before you picked up a pillow in hazy golden magic and chucked it at her face. Your aim was true as you heard a thump and an "Ouch", presumably from Nat. You also heard giggling from Wanda. Pulling yourself upright, you looked at the scene before you. The assassin was sprawled on the floor, with the pillow still on her face. Wanda was standing in the doorway, doubled over laughing. Suddenly Nat got up, throwing the pillow back in your face, but you expertly stopped it with your magic before it could hit you.

You had gotten a lot better with your magic while training with the avengers. As you had powers similar to Wanda's, she tried to teach you to harness and control your powers when she wasn't on missions. You weren't allowed on missions yet because Tony was scared you would hurt yourself, and after an eternity of begging he had finally let you train with Wanda.

Her fit of giggles had finally subsided and she had grabbed both your feet and dragged you out of bed. You flopped down to the floor, sighing as she dragged you out of your room and into the hallway.

"Right, I think that's our job done" said Nat, signalling to wanda that she could drop your legs. She complied and strutted off, Nat following behind.

You smiled to yourself as they model walked away, their heads held high.


* a couple hours later*

You were lounging on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, the blissful silence only interrupted now and then by the quiet beep of FRIDAY's systems scanning for intruders.

Out of nowhere, there was a crash. Your immediate response was to flinch and curl yourself into a ball, then Pietro zoomed into the salon.

"Ummmm, Y/n, are you alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" you replied curtly, standing up as if nothing had happened.

"I just came to say that we're having takeout tonight, my treat"

"You broke my window just to say that? " Tony jogged into the room

"Would you rather I used your credit card tin man? " Pietro replied sarcastically, as you smirked.

"No no it's fine just break all the windows" Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

As soon as he said that, Pietro zoomed away. You instinctively put your hands on your ears but heard nothing. After 30 seconds, you took your hands off your ears and exhaled.

A couple of minutes later, Thor landed on the balcony and strutted into the living room. As it was only you in there, you were confused why Thor was acting so happy until he stepped aside.

Your heart froze. Behind him was a dark haired man with beautifully sculpted facial features. So this was Loki.

He had a moody look on his face as he entered the room through the glass doors to the salon. As you hadn't met anyone new in the past 6 months and weren't ready yet, you quickly used your magic to bend the light around you to make you invisible.

As the brothers walked across the salon, Loki looked at the place you were sitting moments ago strangely.  As soon as he had gone out of the salon, you released your hold on the light and made yourself visible again.

This might go badly, you thought to yourself.

(943 words)

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