they like to hit on me .. [ angst / fluff / smut ]

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[ sam's pov. ]

i sat in class leaning against colby's shoulder. the teacher was having us watch a movie and she said that the musical into the woods was educational. i don't see how it's educational, but if it means we're not doing work it's fine with me. colby squeezes my hand that's he's holding, bringing it up to his lips kissing it softly.

see, me and colby have been together for half a year already. everyone at school knows about it. we've been best friends since forever and during the summer before our senior year we got together. it's now November, almost break for Thanksgiving.

the light suddenly turns on blinding me, the movie being put on stop. i lean my head more against colby's shoulder, hiding my eyes from the blinding light. he chuckles softly, squeezing my hand more. damn i didn't realize it was that time already. but luckily for us it's lunch. what sucks though is that my locker and colby's locker is soooo far away from each other. that sucks so much.

we go out of the classroom, letting go of his hand. we go opposite directions to our lockers. i frown. i open my locker once i get there, putting my things away. someone shuts my locker, pinning me to it. i look up at brennen. a look of disgust appears on my face. fuck no. brennen has always been one to try getting with me, even though im happily taken by my colby.

"what do you want brennen?" i ask venom in my voice.

"you." he says with a disgusting smirk. he starts kissing my neck, while i try pushing him away. he grips onto my wrists pinning them above my head with one arm. i try kicking and kneeing him, but he finds a way to pin my legs to the locker too.

"stop! please stop!" i yell, crying. fuck fuck fuck. he's never gone this far. he'd maybe hit on me, but never this. he starts kissing my lips just to shut me up. i don't kiss back, tears falling down my face at a rapid motion.

suddenly he was pulled off me, making me slide down the locker crying. sounds of punching can be heard. the girls run to me, kneeling down around me. im shaking at this point, wiping spit from my mouth. it's so disgusting that he would do that. fuck.

"what happened?" dev asks me, rubbing my back gently.

"he..he just..ffffuck.." i couldn't think of words to say. i felt so violated. i look up when colby comes. he kneels down to me, i jump into his open arms crying more. he picks me up, telling the girls that he's taking me to the bathroom.

he brings me into the bathroom, setting me onto the sink. he stares at me, wiping away my tears. i start rambling about how i couldn't stop him. how he kept overpowering my every move to get him off. how much i didn't want it. how much i wanted it to be colby instead.

colby just shushes me quietly, his finger placing over my mouth. he wipes more of my falling tears, kissing my cheek. he knows id never cheat, especially with brennen.

he picks me up from on top of the bathroom sink, carrying me off to lunch. i'm sure he'll be getting a talking to by the principal. i'm sure they all will. you can't just beat up people, even though they deserve it so badly. he sets me down at our table kissing my head softly. "i'll get food for us." he whispers, heading off to the lunch line which is now shorter at this point.

i sit at the table, my legs to my chest. i still feel so violated. it sucks. some of the guys eye me like i'm a piece of candy. actually, a lot of the guys do. even the straight ones. i'm just skinny. it's not that skinny is only a feminine trait. although, sometimes i do wear more feminine outfits. i just like it. and growing up being my sister's living barbie doll got me really enjoying the way skirts and makeup look on me. but usually i'm wearing colby's clothes. anything colby has, especially hoodies, i steal. he always complains about needing new clothes. or he steals them back to which i steal again.

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