Training For the Rematch

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"Oh, no. Nuh-uh, no way, HELL naw!" Weronika shook her head and closed in on Neo. "Ain't no way in Hell you're getting outta this one, blondie, especially not right now!" She finally brought her hand down with a hard SLAP on the wall mere inches away from Neo's face. Had Sophia been there, she would've had a fit, flinging herself at Weronika in an attempt to shield Neo. And then she would've had another fit trying to apologize for daring to stick her muzzle in business that wasn't hers. Although that fit would happen after Weronika beat her ass for interrupting her confrontation with Neo. Speaking of Neo...

Weronika would've been more than happy to throw hands, or paws and claws, with her too, but she knew that Neo would never agree to it. Competitive though she was, she did have a reputation to uphold and an image to maintain. They all did. And it disappointed and frustrated Weronika to no end sometimes. But there were a million ways she could best Neo at being the best, she just had to be creative. Weronika certainly wasn't going to let a hurdle so small—no matter how obnoxious—stand in her way. That wasn't Winner material.

And she wasn't going to allow any hurdles to stand in Neo's way either. If training for the rematch was what it took, Weronika was going to be the fiercest drill sergeant Neo ever had!

"Like Hell I'm letting you just quit!" Weronika continued. "It's just not like you, Neo! You're the sorest loser I ever met, but you never back down from a worthy fight, so don't you dare try backing out of any of mine!" Her face was inches away from Neo's, eyes wide and almost wild.

By contrast, Neo's face was languid and lazy, eyes half shut. She gave no reaction to the position Weronika was forcing her into. "I suppose this is the part where you make some sort of anguished, impassioned declaration of love?" she drawled.

"LOVE?!" Weronika jerked away from Neo as if she'd been burned. "What are you, stupid, or something?! It's just that...! That... I... was supposed to be... the one who finally defeated you for the title of ultimate vocalist... I can't, I can't do that if you start losing to everyone else! So, so, so it's just easier if you keep on fighting and stay on top! At least until I defeat you!" The taller girl snarled through her blush.

"This is Weronika's version of love, is it not?" Neo teased, smirking. Even though she predicted that Weronika would attempt to conceal her concern behind selfishness, it was still mildly amusing to hear how exactly it panned out.

"What the—?! Dude, no!" Weronika slapped her forehead. Jesus, Neo is really out of whack today! Just what did D4Fes do to her?

While Weronika questioned Neo's sanity, or what little remained of it, Neo herself was still smirking contemplatively at Weronika. Her arms were crossed, and she tilted her head inquisitively. "I wonder, is this how you felt the day I took your turf and title from you?" she mused.

"What?" Weronika snarled, thought interrupted again by outrage. Is she seriously going to go there right now? SERIOUSLY?!

"Even though you should've been humiliated into hiding your face forever, you immediately challenged me back."

"Well duh! No way I was going down without a fight!" Weronika snorted, thumping her chest.

"Even though you were already so thoroughly defeated?" Neo continued. Weronika scowled, but for once, Neo was being sincere.

Her words were not solely meant as insults, rather, a strange sense of new understanding, and even a budding respect. Neo would not have said that she liked Weronika, or felt more connected to her, but now Neo personally understood what it felt like to face a defeat so crushing.

Neo/Weronika (Neonika) D4DJ One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now