Backstories and Happy Pie Day

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Dark... endless... dangerous...

Three words that fit the description of the Everfree Forest perfectly. Along the outskirts of Ponyville, the large dark trees completely blocked the rays of the golden sun that shined over the horizon. The landscape of the forest itself was black as night and home to a variety of dangerous creatures from manticores to cockatrice. At one point, this forest itself invaded Ponyville and nearly took over. Had it not been for the combined efforts of the Elements of Harmony, the only form of life in Equestria may have entirely been this whole forest.

Within the heart of this dark forest was the famed Castle of the Two Sisters. However, after Regina abducted the Cake Twins and held them for ransom, Celestia had no choice but to grant the castle to the Dark Order. After a few weeks and a ton of dark magic at work, the castle now stood tall and menacing. No longer was it the Castle of the Two Sisters; instead, it would be known as... the Dark Castle.

 the Dark Castle

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Really... we couldn't come up with a more sinister title?

Hey! I've been writing all night and my fingers are tired!

One might question 'why' no pony bothered to mount any form of offence upon this castle if its inhabitants were so dangerous. With the castle fully restored, Regina placed a protection spell around the entire perimeter of the castle. The source of which stemmed from a magical fire within the center of the courtyard which must remain lit in order for the spell to work. In other words: As the fire burned, the spell remained active. This way, no pony could enter the castle even if they 'tried'.

At the moment, however, protection was the last thing on the mind of a certain former Changeling Queen.

Chrysalis had walked from the front door of the castle, crossed the bridge, and trekked through the dark Everfree for hours. So much had been on her mind over the last few weeks. Ever since that run in with her traitorous daughter and those two mysterious stallions, all she could think about was the conversation with Atalanta. Specifically, what her daughter said... about her past...

"NO!" She hissed to herself. "She understands not my pain! She never had her love ripped away from her; how those ponies made me feel like a monster!"

As Chrysalis continued her walk through the woods, many memories continued to flood back into her mind. Memories of which she tried to suppress for so many years. Memories of a specific day, even after a thousand years, that still brought tears to her eyes...


A thousand years ago...

The land of Equestria was alive and prosperous since the three pony tribes finally found a place where they could live in peace and harmony. No longer would the land be a battlefield of constant struggle amongst Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns. Rather, every pony could live together as one cohesive unit, both family and friends... together.

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