Not While I'm Around

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The skies of Victorian London, once full of clouds, welcomed a nice gentle breeze wafting over the air. While not the most ideal setting for a picnic, this was exactly how Mrs. Lovett, Mr. Todd, Toby, and even Chrysalis decided to spend the day. Three months went by since Mrs. Lovett's pie shop reopened its door while the Mane Six and Spike had been on the run from the police. For now, the terrible trio and their young companion decided to take some time for themselves and just enjoy the day.

At least... that's what Mrs. Lovett did.

The trio sat along a picnic blanket under an old oak tree along Hampstead Heath. To the naked eye, Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd appeared to be like any other couple enjoying this fine day. The remains of a nice picnic lunch lay scattered about while Toby was flying a kite high into the sky off the distance. Mrs. Lovett smiled while watching happy couples moving about, dogs and kids running hither and yonder, military officers squiring their ladies, nurses with prams, and all other forms of life happening around them.

Meanwhile, Mr. Todd and Chrysalis sat near one another with stone cold looks on their faces. Todd was distinctively ill at ease, brooding the whole time. Three months went by and still they were no closer to either the Judge or the Beadle. All this weighed heavily on their minds despite the insistence to take a break.

"This is growing very tiring really fast," Chrysalis grumbled. "How long are we expected to wait?"

"I wonder the same thing, my dear," Sweeney responded lowly. "The seasons change yet my revenge is left untouched."

Then Sweeney's expression, while still cold and emotionless, also added something somber within those eyes just the same.

"The more days go by, the less I find myself missing my dear Johanna," Todd admitted. "I'm beginning to lose hope of ever seeing her again."

This caused Chrysalis to shift her direction to his, laying one hand atop his own. Sweeney slowly turned his head to look down at her hand before slowly turning back toward her eyes.

"Worry not, Mr. Todd," Chrysalis assured him. "If it's the last thing I do in this life, we'll exact your revenge, and you'll get your Johanna back. I stake my life on it."

Sweeney just stared at the changeling-in-disguise for a few moments, as though contemplating something.

"How is it possible someone like you exists?" Todd asked lowly.

"What do you mean?" Chrysalis responded.

"It's not often in this world, or any world, to meet someone who you share so much in common with," Sweeney explained. "We've had love stolen from us and we wish to exact revenge on those who wronged us. How is that possible?"

Chrysalis contemplated his question in her head. It certainly seemed coincidental they had both met with the same goals in mind.

"I suppose we just got lucky," She shrugged.

Sweeney merely gave a slow nod before returning to his deep contemplative stare into space. All the while, Mrs. Lovett, who seemed to have chattered about the whole time, continued on.

"... We still got to keep an eye on household expenditure," She spoke. "Which isn't to say we couldn't get some nice taxidermy animals to bring a touch of gentility to the place. You know, a boar's head or two..."

Turning over to Mr. Todd at her side, her smile instantly vanished when she noticed he was paying absolutely no attention to her at all. In fact, Mrs. Lovett was rather turned off by his unresponsive behavior.

"Mr. T, are you listening to me?" She asked.

"Of course," Sweeney responded uninterested.

"Then what did I just say?"

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