Part 5:Monster

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Third person POV:

It was midnight and Anne couldn't sleep, she was laying in bed next to Marcy who was sleeping peacefully
Anne went upstairs and she went outside to clear her mind

Then she saw Sprig coming over to see her

-Sprig! What are you doing up so late? said Anne
-I couldn't sleep and I saw you go outside so I followed you. said Sprig
-I also couldn't sleep, I came out here to clear my mind. said Anne
-Oh were you thinking of your girlfri-
-Marcy is not my girlfriend!!!! said Anne as her face turned red
-Ok ok but were you thinking of Marcy?  said Sprig with a smirk
-Maybe.. but it's just because she doesn't have a lot of time till she turns into a monster, we have 3 days. said Anne in a sad tone
-Well why don't you just kiss? I mean that's what Maddie said you have to do! said Sprig
-It's complicated. said Anne

-Hey Sprig I think I'm going to try to sleep again so see you tomorrow, ok? said Anne
-Yeah see you tomorrow!! said Sprig

Anne went back to the basement and Sprig went back upstairs in his room

Anne surprisingly fell asleep

Anne's dream:

Wha, what where am I?
What is this place??

Anne was in a forest of Sakura trees everywhere

Is this a dream? Why are there sakura trees everywhere and why is the grass pink????!?

Anne was super confused
Then Anne saw Marcy who had Sakura petals in her hair and the wood spikes on her arms were pink, and her eyes were glowing bright pink

-Heyyy Anne~ said Marcy
-What Marcy where are we?! said Anne concerned and confused
-We are in my forest. said Marcy
-In YOUR forest?!? said Anne
-Yes honey. said Marcy

Anne didn't know it was a dream
She saw that Marcy's eyes had hearts in them

Anne started running away from Marcy
She didn't know what to do
Marcy started crying and ran after her

-Why are you running?! said Marcy crying

Anne didn't respond

Anne tripped and fell on the pink grass crying
Marcy fell on Anne and started crying again

-Do you not love me? said Marcy
-No no that's not it, of course I love you Marcy! said Anne
-Why did you run away from me? said Marcy
-I I, i don't know I guess I was scared you were going to attack me. said Anne
-I would NEVER attack you!!! said Marcy

Anne hugged Marcy

End of Anne's dream:

Anne woke up and saw Marcy cuddling her, her face started to heat up as she looked at Marcy
Marcy woke up too

-Hey Marbles why are you cuddling me? said Anne as her face was inches away from Marcy's
-Oh umm you looked sad while you were sleeping so I thought it would help. said Marcy looking away from Anne
-Thank you, Mar Mar<3 said Anne with a smile

They both got up and changed clothes (they were not naked)
Anne and Marcy went upstairs to go eat breakfast

-Hi HP! said Anne
-Hi Anne can you get Sprig and Polly. said Hop Pop
-Yeah sure. said Anne

-Hey Mars just wait for me here I won't take long ok! said Anne as she ran upstairs to go get Sprig and Polly
-Ok. said Marcy

-Hey Sprig, Polly come Hop Pop wants to see you! said Anne
-Ok we're coming!! said Sprig and Polly at the same time

Anne ran back down stairs with Sprig and Polly

-Anne I missed you!!! said Marcy
-What I was gone for 2 minutes. said Anne

-And you say you guys aren't dating? said Sprig with a smirk
-Whatever. said Anne

(Someone knocked on the door)

-Anne can you go see who's at the door?! said Hop Pop
-Yeah. said Anne

She went to open the door and she saw Maddie  with a concerned face

-Oh my frog Anne I need to talk to you!! said Maddie with a really concerned face


Hey sorry it's been 2 days that I haven't posted but I hopefully you liked the cliffhanger lol
Have a nice day or night byeeeee(:

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