Chapter 12 : A Love Blossoms

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One Week Later, Shanghai Port Training Grounds

"How about Tianyu and Mika vs Bellerophon and I?" Mengdie suggested only to be jumped on immediately by Tianyu and Mika who began spouting a multitude of excuses in denial.

"Xiao Die!" Tianyu called out with dismay while Mika similarly looked at Mengide with a look in her eyes that was asking if she was still human or not.

However, today Mengdie put her foot down and ignored their feeble protests with a stern expression.

"It's been over a week now and this is the only combination we haven't tried yet. Stop being so willful Yu'Er, and besides, I haven't been able to play with Bellerophon yet because of you."

Forced to surrender to their fates, Tianyu and Mika looked at each other once before turning their faces away immediately due to the awkward atmosphere between them.

"We're starting!" Mengdie warned from the opposing direction causing Tianyu and Mika to reluctantly get into formation in preparation.


"That was disappointing." Mengdie complained after easily demolishing the uncooperative duo with Bellerophon, a bitter expression on her face as if she had just eaten some traditional medicinal herbs.

Unable to respond to that, Mika looked at Tianyu who glared back at her as if it were her fault and she resisted the urge to kick him in the shins.

Though he hadn't been outrightly aggressive towards her, his cold treatment and rather blatant distaste for her had made her feel uncomfortable for the entire past week, only offset by Mengdie's amicable attitude towards her. It was difficult for her to understand what Mengdie saw in him considering he was quite frankly, in her opinion, a simple jerk.

Tapping her lip lightly to scold herself for using such vulgar language, even if only in her head, Mika noticed the trio had already stood up to head to the canteen. Taking the opportunity while Bellerophon and Mengdie were chatting like old friends despite knowing each other for only a week, Mika grabbed Tianyu's wrist subtly and pulled him backwards.


"What?" Tianyu demanded with an irritable expression on his face, wondering why Mika had taken the initiative to pull him aside.

"Do you have a grievance with me Xu Tianyu?"

"No." Tianyu answered briefly, attempting to escape when Mika slammed her arm in front of him.

"I think the evidence would beg to differ Mr.Xu, so if you have a problem with me I would prefer we would resolve it immediately rather than beat around the bush like this."

"If Xiao Die doesn't have a problem with you then neither do I." Tianyu spat out bitterly, causing Mika to scrunch her nose at the obvious lie.

"If this is some sort of jealousy towards me due to Mengdie's affection towards me I can assure you that there is a difference between platonic and romantic–"

"Don't get a big head! As if you could get inbetween our relationship..." Tianyu snapped petulantly, face flushing with frustration as Mika began to encroach on his weak point.

"You don't know anything about Xiao Die! Y-You! If it wasn't for you..."

Gnashing his teeth violently, Tianyu felt himself snap and dragged Mika behind the stairwell so they could converse more discreetly.

"You should leave, you are only a bad influence for Xiao Die! She shouldn't even be playing soccer right now but because of you..."

"What are you talking about?" Mika asked with suspicion, sensing something amiss in his words. She had barely even heard of Li Mengdie before arriving in Shanghai so how could she possibly be related to Mengdie like Tianyu was suggesting?

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