Chapter 4 - Friday, April 9 (pt 3)

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I stayed in that classroom until lunch ended to calm myself down, then when the bell ring I made a run for it to the bathroom to clean myself up so no one would get too suspicious. Once I finished in there, I left to go to my next class.


I kind of wish I hadn't skipped lunch, my stomach was making so much noise at this point, but there's 30 minutes left, I can last. Even though I can feel eyes on me, not specifically one person, but everyone. And for multiple reasons, but I deserve it so I let them stare.


The bell finally rings and I go out to find Drew, since he drove us here he kinda needs to drive us back. Even though I'd rather not talk to him after what happened at lunch, bit hopefully having Milo in the car will dissolve some of the tension.

As I'm walking down the hall I catch Drew's magenta hair in the sea of students trying to get out for the weekend, "Drew!! Hey Drew!!" He turns towards my voice and rolls his eyes, "What Jake, I told you not to come crawling-" I cut him off, "that's no why I'm here. I'm here to ask for another ride for Milo and I, please." He rolls his eyes again, scoffed then said "sure, but I've gotta take Liam and Henry back to my place. Will Milo be ok in the back with them?" I think Milo will be ok, he's met them before and is just as chaotic as them so it shouldn't be a huge problem. "Yeah, he should be fine, thanks Drew" He nods and turns to Liam and Henry.

"Come on, let's go. We've gotta make a stop at Milo's school first." Both of their eyes light up at the very mention of Milo's name "Milo!? I haven't seen him in ages!!!" They say almost in sync, it's good to know that they love him. Not that I don't, I just like knowing that him and my friends will get along.

We can all tell Drew is getting a little upset, so we all head out to his car. Drew in the driver's seat, obviously, I'm in the passenger seat and the boys are in the back. And about 10 minutes later we arrive at Milo's school. He opens up the car door and you can hear Henry's and Liam's excitement, followed by Milo's excitement as well.

The entire 15ish minutes in the car is just the three boys in the back having a conversation, I love how nice they are to Milo. Even though Milo is 5 years younger then the rest of us. Finally we pull up to my house, and the boys all sigh heavily. I feel bad, but I know Drew and I aren't on good terms right now and he's ready to leave. The boys say there goodbyes, and I thank Drew and say goodbye.

When we got inside Milo ran for the snack cabinet to grab something to eat and then ran to the couch and turned on the TV. "Milo you should do your homework before you watch TV." He looks back at me over the couch, "I'll do it later Jake!! Can't I watch a little TV first?? At least until mom's home?" I sigh, "No Milo, you know mom doesn't come home until late on Fridays. So your doing your homework at 4:30, that gives you an hour."

He sighs "fineeee whateverrrrr" I roll my eyes and laugh, "Whatever Milo, I'll be in my room" he says something but his mouth is full of the oreos he brought down. I walk down the hall, open my bedroom door and throw my bag down on the floor. I sigh heavily as I walk over to my bed, and lay down. I stare at the ceiling for a couple minutes then get up and go over to my calander.

I look at it for a minute and pick up my red marker and cross out today and yesterday. Two out of fourteen days, and still no progress. Had an encounter with Hailey, Luke, and Zander but no good progress. Whatever, I have 12 days to figure it out and if I don't, then goodbye world I guess. I sit down at my desk and think for a while, I open the drawer, and see something. I haven't done this in a while...

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