05- (Wilbur) Regrets

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Wilbur was no stranger to regret. Since Theseus died, it was all he felt. That, and a deep sense of sadness.

            All he was left with were painful reminders  of Theseus being gone. He thought he would feel like this forever. For however long he lived his immortal life, that is. After all, greif doesn't really go away, does it?

            And he only really knew Theseus for a month and some amount of days. But nonetheless, his days still felt empty with the absence of his brother.

He figured Techno and Phil felt the same. Phil got quieter, holed up in his office more often then not. They barely saw him anymore. And Techno trained more often. The training grounds would often have shredded hay all over from Techno's destruction of the dummies.

That was no different today.

           Wilbur watched from the entrance of the training grounds as Techno silently hacked away at a dummy. No one else was there but the two. The guards and knights tended to not stay in the grounds while Techno was there.

          And for a good reason. Techno carried this silent, heavy rage with him that only worsened when Theseus died. Wilbur wasn't sure what he was angry at. Or if it was someone, instead.

           Nonetheless, Techno was shredding yet another dummy to pieces with not a care in the world. He didn't even notice Wilbur. Eventually, he felt entitled to make his presence known. "Are you mad, Techno? You seem like you are."

            Techno turned to look at him, and just stared for a moment. "I am." He finally said. Wilbur pushed himself off the wall and walked towards Techno and stopped next to him.

            "At what?" He asked, glancing down at the pieces of hay littering the ground. Techno looked at his sword, then back towards the palace before answering.

            "Father. I'm mad at him." Wilbur was confused by this. Techno was almost never angry at someone. Much less mad at their father.

            "Whatever for?" He asked, glancing back at where Techno was staring. It appeared to be in the direction of their father's office.

            "He didn't listen to Theseus," Wilbur was about to ask what Theseus had asked, when Techno continued. "Theseus only left him two sentences in his letter. Not to let anyone new into the high court. He didn't listen."

            "But why would Theseus ask that? Theres always someone new coming into the high court."  Techno looked back at Wilbur now.

            "Theseus knew something more than we do. And we need to find out what. There's no way he would ask no one else is let into the high court for no reason." Wilbur thought about those words for a moment, looking back at the palace again. But why? Theseus had never told them anything worthy of concern...

             He supposed a better question may be who was entering the high court. By Techno's words, their father was letting someone new in despite Theseus' warning. "Do you know who?" Wilbur whispered, glancing at his twin who kept his eyes on the palace.

            "Apparently he's a friend of Punz."

            "You mean the Duke Punz?"Wilbur questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. The duke was a rather quiet man, who usually kept to himself. The thought of him having a friend that high society hadn't whispered or gossiped about was odd, to say the very least. In fact- the only friend of his Wilbur ever heard of; was a noble boy named Purpled. And there were plenty of gossip surrounding the two.

            "Yes, him. I don't know the friend's name. Don't you find that strange? Why would Punz be asking for him to be placed in high society without even mentioning a name?" Techno paused, frowning. "I don't like it. But father won't listen to a word I say."

            Wilbur didn't say anything in response this time. Techno was right. It was strange, and Wilbur had an odd feeling that their father wouldn't listen to a word they had to say in protest.


Fun fact, I had to go back to Bouquet of Lilies and count the days i specified had passed to say how long Wilbur knew Theseus-

The grand total was a month and a few days.


Have a wonderful day!


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