I Will Wait For You!

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"THERE IS A MAN INFILTRATE OUR ISLAND!!! ARREST HIM!!! AND BRING HIM ALIVE!!! AT THIS ONCE!!!!"The Tall,Pale Skin,Darked Blue Eyed,Long Silked Black Hair Woman COMMAND her warrior to catch a guy who can stretch his body weirdly
*Catch Him
(i'm too lazy to wrote the whole canon story here so we skipped to hancock falling in love with luffy)

*Clenching Her Chest Hard
*Try To Breath But Can't

An Old Wrinkly Old Woman Was shocked With her Condition...

"Next Morning.."She Say

*Pain Noises




*Her Chest Keeps Hurting

"GRANNY NYON! STOP DOING THAT YOU ABUSED OUR SISTER!"A Huge,Green Haired girl begged the old lady to stop


She Remain Serious

"Listen Up....Snake Princess,Monkey D. Luffy is with me...He wishes,You To do Something For Him If You Are Pleases"She Say

The Woman Stand Up As soon she heard his name

"I would like to hear his wishes"She Says

She Walked Out From Her Room and sees the man on the balcony stare at the wide sea

"What do you want?"She Asked Him

"Are you alright?"He asked

"Nothing could bother me...what is it?"She Asked

"If that what you want.......THAT WOULD BE MY PLEASURE TO FULFIL IT"She Make Her Iconic Puppy Eyes
"You can call me Hancock"She Blushed

"Got It! Hammock"He Smiled

"Its Hancock"She Replied with her ICONIC clingy voice

(Skipped the marineford)

"He was Fighting With his dear life"Hancock Grasping Luffy Hand Hoping That He Will Soon Reagained His Concious.(worried about luffy's condition)

Law Looked At Her Grasping Luffy's Hand

"Pirate Empress Ya......Don't You Know? It will risk your reputation as a warlord if the Marine Find out about this."He Asked While He Land His Back On The Door Wall

Hancock Glare At Him,

"Don't Make A Sound! Weird Patterned Hat!...."She Looks At Him With Furious Face

Law Is Frustrated He Takes His Sword From The Room Walked.

"I Don't Care If I Lose My Reputation Because Of This As Long As He Opened His Eyes And Said Something..."She Said

Law Walked To the front Deck

Hancock(30 yrs old)
Luffy(18 yrs old)

Witnessing The Sunset,

"Thats A Beautiful sunset"He Said Stretch His Arm

"Yes it is beautiful...."She Feel Soothing When She Watches Sunset With The Person She Loved

She Look At Him With Tomato Red face

"L-L-Lu-Luffy....C-C-Can I-I A-Ask S-Something?"She Sttutered Really hard when her eyes focusing on his abs

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