Lincoln and Ronnie Anne

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Lincoln Loud looked up at the clock in his room, letting out a small sigh as he saw what time it was 

Lincoln: 4 o'clock, well, I bet she's waiting for me already 

He sat on his bed and pulled out his laptop, opening it up, he moved his mouse down to the bottom of the screen and highlighted the video chat app, he was about to click on it, but then his bedroom door flung open without warning, he looked over to the doorway and saw a young girl with short platinum blonde hair, she wore a lavander dress shirt, black skirt, knee high socks, and black Mary Jane shoes, her face did not convey a positive attitude at all 

Lily groaned: Lincoln, can you help me get Lisa to take apart her newest 'invention', she's using my phone as a part of it 

Lincoln looked down at the girl and sighed 

Lincoln: Lily, now isn't the best time, you know that Ronnie Anne and I have our video chats around this time, can't this wait for just a few minutes 

Lily crossed her arms and let out a huff 

Lily: Fine, whatever you want, Bobby 2, I'll go ask Dad for help 

As Lily pouted and began walking away, Lincoln raised an eyebrow 

Lincoln: Bobby 2 

He booted up the video chat with his girlfriend, Lily turned back towards her brother and rolled her eyes 

Lily: Remember how you told me about how when I was a baby and Lori and Bobby were teenagers, they acted all mushy and lovey-dovey around each other, that's how you and Ronnie Anne act with each other now 

Lincoln let out a small, dismissive raspberry upon hearing the little girl's explanation and then chuckled 

Lily: Oh, sure, deny it now, but history is just repeating itself with you two 

As Lincoln clicked on Ronnie Anne's name on the call list, he chuckled and turned to his little sister 

Lincoln: Lily, when Ronnie Anne and I became official, we made a promise to each other, we vowed to never become that sappy, under any circumstances 

He was then met with the laptop establishing the link for the call, signaling the development with a small chime, the screen then showed a Hispanic teenager girl with long black hair tied up into a ponytail, an unzipped purple hoodie was worn over a white tank-top, she gave a small wave to the camera with a smile on her face 

Ronnie Anne in a sweetie tone: Hola, mi amore 

Lincoln responded by turning to the screen and waving to it as well 

Lincoln cooed: Hey, Ronnie 

Lily closed her eyes and shook her head before walking away 

Lily: Well, have fun with Lori 

The child departed, leaving her brother and his girlfriend alone, as Lincoln closed the door, Ronnie Anne suddenly became a little puzzled with what Lily said before leaving, Lincoln approached the computer again and saw her perplexed look, he cleared his throat and got her attention 

Lincoln: Are you alright 

Ronnie Anne: Do you know why she just called me Lori 

Lincoln snickered a little bit before answering 

Lincoln: Oh, that, Lily was just saying that we turned into Bobby and Lori back when they were teenagers 

Ronnie Anne's eyes widened in disbelief 

Ronnie Anne: What, that's ridiculous, we're nothing like how they were 

Lincoln: I know, right, they were the definition of sappy, all those cheesy nicknames and everything, were straight out of the movies they always watched 

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now