Chapter 8: Sheds of The Past

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(Man already at 8 chapters into my story and I'mat the part I was waiting to write besides chapter 6. Himiko Toga is one of myfavorite characters from the anime/manga because I can sympathize with her,sure not with her actions and choices but to how she was treated. Also I'mgoing to start drifting away from the already established story in My HeroAcademia and start putting in my own events you know to make it more original,but anyway let's get rolling, man I'm nailing theses Sonic puns) -Sonic The Chronicler 5/15/2023

Mina and I were studying for an actual test that didn't involve quirks for once "and hear I thought my high school days were over" I said in my head absolutely bored since I already finished the test "Mina how are you doing on your test?" I whispered to her, but she didn't say anything "Mina?" I asked and turned to see she was asleep "Mina" I said taping her shoulder "mmmugh what?" She said rubbing her eyes "did you finish your test?" "I uhh umm" Mina said looking away and I looked at her paper and saw she didn't even start on it, I looked looked down "here" I whispered passing her my test "you didn't get it from me" I said jokingly which Mina did a thank you gesture and quickly written my answers in just in the nick of time "時間切れの学生は前もってテストを提出してください" Eraserhead said and everyone got up to submit their tests "今はここまでです。昼食後にお会いしましょう" he said and we all left. I was walking with Mina to the cafeteria, and I had a thought stuck in my head that I had when Mina was struggling with the test, but would she be upset if I asked? Sigh here goes nothing "hey Mina could I ask... you something p-personal, you d-don't have to a-a-answer if you don't want t-to" I said scratching the back of my head "sure you don't have to be nervous, we're a couple so I think it's healthy to ask those types of questions to each other" she said holding my hand "do y-you.... do you h-have ADHD?" I asked expecting her to be mad at me for asking "yeah actually" she said with a smile "wait y-you're not upset t-t-that I asked?" I said and she made a no sound "I asked because w-well I noticed you kinda h-have the same symptoms a-as I do" "wait you have ADHD as well?" "y-yeah" "wow, huh now that I think of it you did show signs as well when we first got to know each other" she said another thing that we both struggled with (I know this seems out of the blue but I recently found out that Mina actually has ADHD like me and I thought that was pretty cool that I have another thing in common with her) "l-like what?" "Ummm well you're really shy, you go stiff whenever I hug you, you get distracted easily like me, you can't control your emotions which is reflected by your second quirk and you have a hard time socializing which I only have like 2 out of the ones I listed" she said "I'm sorry if I kinda asked out of the blue, heh blue" "no it's okay Jackson I was kinda going to ask you that myself but I never did because I thought it would offend you" she said "heh I-I guess we both got in our own way" "ha ha I guess we did" we said laughing.

After me and her finished eating we returned to class and saw that All-Might was here "学生の皆さん、こんにちは!今週は特別な任務があります!" he said then a board appeared behind him and showed an area in the city with words on it which translated to hero patrols "gasp ヒーローパトロールに出かけよう!" Mina said shaking me with excitement which made me a little dizzy "あなたは明日一日中街をパトロールし、日常の人々を助けますが、プロのヒーローなしで悪役を追いかけないでください" All Might said giving us papers that we had to fill out. They had locations of the city for us to choose and if we wanted to partner up with other student for the patrol "Jackson want to partner up?" Mina asked "Like you even need to ask" I said quickly wrote my name on her paper and she did the same to mine, All-Might took our papers and dismissed us all for the day.

We were now back at our dorm and Mina was reallyexcited about our assignment "Jackson we are finally going to be doing whatheroes do all the time! Can you not wait!" she said with stars in her eyes "ummw-well I just don't think I'm...." I said trailing off which made Mina tilt herhead "what's up?" she asked "it's just... I don't think I'm ready for this" "wha?But you run around the city all the time and you've been dreaming of this sinceyou were a kid right?" "yeah but this is different, we have to help citizensand what if I screw that up plus we have watch for villains which we didn'teven train to handle" I said looking down in my desk chair "Jackson you need tohave confidence in yourself, because I believe in you and know you can do this!I've seen what you can do" she said but I turned away which she made a grumpyface but then she got up and turned me towards her and sat on my lap "Jacksonyou need to stop doubting yourself and believe that you can achieve so much"she said putting her hands on my cheeks "because I do" she said with a smile, Icaressed her hand and I let out a few happy tears "h-how did I get a girl a-asloving as you" I said with a shaky breath "because of your an amazing andcaring person Jackson" she said looking into my eyes and mine looking into herbeautiful yellow eyes, before I knew it we were kissing each other and I waskissing her with a lot of passion and love.

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