Divine Luck

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/It had been a day or two, and Link had finally gotten used to speaking again./
(Enjoy this picture I happened to come across. It doesn't relate to the story at all, but I didn't know what else to put!)

"You want to- WHAT?! No way am I letting you appease the divine beast with me!" Link yelled out in shock. Some of the Gerudo women sent him annoyed looks, but other than that, his outburst was ignored. "Come onnn~!" Y/n whined. Link crossed his arms and turned slightly. "No!"
"Pleaseeee!?!" Y/n begged, on his knees, attaching himself to Link's leg, "I'm not letting go!" At first, the hero thought it was a joke and tried to pry off the voe. An hour later, after asking for help from all the people in town, he agreed.
You cheered and smirked, "Still not letting go until we get there." Link stomped his foot and said, "Dammit! How'd you know?!" You giggled, "I didn't." Link sighed and got on his seal, with Riju sending glares his way.

Link was wearing topaz earrings, his mask off, and the rest of the Gerudo outfit on. That's when the seal started, and he was thankful for such a great potlid. It was only halfway through the entrance of the divine beast when Riju slipped on her shield and fell.
Link snatched the thunder helm as he went by and put it on your head. You tossed her an extra electric potion you had. "Link!" you shouted, and he laughed. "She'll be fine!" and he went on his merry way until the beast let him in. You were still on his leg with the helm on.

"The map is over there!" You point over to him, and he quickly shoots down the malice eyeballs. You call, "Come back to me when you get it!" and you sit down and lean on the nearest wall. "Y/n." a voice says, and you look up as it continues, "My child..." What did she say? "Urbosa? What do you mean?"
"You were in the divine beast with me during the attack. I'm surprised I was able to raise you in spirit form. Nobody ages in the divine beasts, so when Link was the right age, I made sure to have you out by then."
This was all too confusing. "So my 'mom' isn't my mom?"
"Yep. You're basically the male image of me. Also, tell Riju to stop flirting with you. She's like- Your great-great granddaughter."

This made you laugh, "Sure thing, mom... I'll be sure." Urbosa's voice rang one more time: "Now, avenge me! I don't want to have the cause of my death live any longer!" "How do I even do that?" I asked, and she simply said, "The answer will come to you, my young dove."

And with that, the voice was gone, and Link's jaw dropped to the floor. "YOU'RE URBOSA'S SON?!" he screeched, and you sighed, "Daughter, but I prefer son." He nodded and cheered, "Let's go and kick some terminal butt!"

/What seemed like hours later/

"Oh my gosh!" You groaned, "That took WAY too long!"
Then, Link stupidly turned on the main terminal when you weren't ready, causing thunder blight to appear. The surprising thing was that it was only targeting Link. It was the perfect moment to try out 'Mom's Fury' (as you had dubbed it).

You snapped once. It didn't work. You groaned and snapped again. Nothing. You continuously snapped until the blight screamed, and you had done it.
"Oops..." You squeak as you look at Link's frizzled hair (you were thankful that he was otherwise unharmed).

The blight fell to the ground, and you encouraged Link to hit it while it was down.
After another scream and an explosion, the monster was gone.

Urbosa's spirit appeared, and it immediately made her way over to you. She pinched your cheeks jokingly and said, "Aww! Look how much my son has grown!" You laughed and hugged her. Of course, she returned the hug. The pair, oblivious to Link, didn't notice when he started snapping pictures on his Sheika slate.
When Urbosa let go, she walked over to Link and said, "I give you permission. Don't even ask his fake parents- they're homophobic." Link's face was redder than the heart container he had received. "I give you my fury!"
She announced loudly to make sure her son wasn't absorbed in what she had said seconds before.

With that, Link and Y/n 'teleported' back to Gerudo town. The first face they saw was a pouting Riju. Y/n took off the helm and said, "Mom told me to tell you to stop flirting with me; we're related." Riju huffed, "The guards made me!"
You laughed, and soon she had joined too. "Maybe I'll send a voe with a Gerudo outfit your way in my travels if I see anyone that would look like a good guy." you offered, and she said, "I'm gay." You cheered, "I KNEW IT! I'll go ahead and send some ladies your way then!"

The guards were all too confused, and you had to explain, "Urbosa is my mom, and I was raised in the divine beast until I was ready to go and live with a family. Riju is my great-great granddaughter." Riju laughed, "I figured as much!" The guards were apologizing profusely.

Riju whispered into your ear, "The only reason I was glaring was because I wanted to see if he cared enough for you to deal with me." You laughed, blushing slightly.

After that, you paid for Link's bed at an inn, and you asked, "Where are you going after this?" He was still begging for the gerudo woman to give his money back so he could pay the bill with the rupees in his hands. "Death mountain. Goron city. It's the last divine beast I need to appease."

"Can I come with you?"

And so Link and yourself set off on a journey to Death Mountain.

(Credit to @Shima11746 for the divine beast and Riju's bad luck ideas!)

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