one-shot <3

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Vegas and Pete were born and raised in the vibrant streets of Bangkok, Thailand.

They were inseparable, their love burning brightly amidst the chaos and beauty of their homeland. They shared dreams of a future together, a life filled with love and adventure. They even planned to fill their house with the bright laughter of a child, by adopting. Pete was looking forward to that.

Though as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the once unbreakable bond between Vegas and Pete began to show signs of strain.

Vegas's eyes, once locked on Pete with unwavering devotion, started to wander, seeking something more. He felt an inexplicable restlessness within his heart, a yearning for novelty and excitement.

In a moment of weakness, Vegas, overwhelmed by the allure of temptation, made a grave mistake that would forever alter the course of their relationship. Seeking solace in the arms of another, Vegas succumbed to the fleeting thrill, oblivious to the consequences that would unravel in the aftermath.

For Pete, the betrayal was a devastating blow that struck at the very core of his heart. The trust they had painstakingly built over the years shattered into a million irreparable fragments. It felt as though a sharp dagger had pierced through his chest, leaving him gasping for air, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the pain he now had to endure.

The love they once shared, a love that was once the foundation of their beautiful love story, now lay in ruins. The cracks in their relationship, which had been barely noticeable before, now grew wider, threatening to consume everything they had worked so hard to build. Doubt and insecurity crept into Pete's mind, gnawing away at the once unwavering belief he had in their bond.

Questions swirled in Pete's head, tormenting him day and night. How could someone he trusted so completely betray him? Was their love merely a facade, a mirage that had fooled him all along? And most importantly, could their love story ever be salvaged from the wreckage it had become?

As Pete grappled with the pain and confusion, he was left with a profound sense of loss. The innocence and purity of their love had been tarnished, forever altering the landscape of their once vibrant relationship. It was a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that the person he thought he knew so well was capable of such betrayal.

Pete's heart sank as he observed Vegas's gaze drifting from him towards the presence of a captivating new love interest.

He couldn't help but notice the way Vegas's eyes lit up with a newfound excitement, a spark that had once been reserved solely for him.

She stood before him, radiating an undeniable beauty. Her eyes sparkled with an enchanting allure, drawing others in like a moth to a flame. Every feature on her face seemed to be flawlessly crafted, from her perfectly arched eyebrows to her rosy, soft lips. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves, adding to her ethereal charm.

But it wasn't just her physical appearance that set her apart from Pete. There was an air of confidence and grace that surrounded her, making her seem untouchable. Her every movement was fluid and deliberate, as if she had mastered the art of captivating everyone around her. It was as if she effortlessly commanded attention without even trying.

Beyond her outward beauty, there was an undeniable magnetism to her personality. She possessed a charm that drew people in, leaving them captivated by her presence. Her voice was melodic and soothing, as if she had the power to cast a spell with just her words. Her laughter was infectious, filling the room with joy and warmth.

But what truly set her apart from Pete was her seemingly perfect nature. She exuded an aura of flawlessness, as if she had never made a mistake in her life. Her confidence never wavered, and her poise remained unshakable even in the face of adversity. She seemed to effortlessly glide through life, always knowing the right thing to say or do.

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