The Bite|11

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Ok hobie i think that's enough for today you have made me cum atleast 3x and to be honest i cant take no more . Hobie laughs and says "ok love" while laughing and he kisses my forehead and i hug him while smiling looking up at him before he walks out the bathroom .

I set my clothes down and shut the door and i put my towel on the toliet seat and i start the shower and i hop in washing my body. After 15 minutes i hop out the shower drying my self off and putting on my clothes, after i was done putting on my clothes i open the door.

And i start working on my hair doing it for tonight i gelled my hair down and put it in a bun. While I was working on my hair i didn't notice a spider was crawling on me and i am very scared of spiders i finally felt it crawling on me.

I looked down at my hand my eyes widen and i screamed so loud. Hobie jumped up and ran into the bathroom fast hobie says "what's wrong love why are you screaming?" As he looks very concerned, i say "a fucking spider just bit me and i am truly terrified of spiders" he looks at the spider and he says "oh shit."

I say "what's wrong hobie?" he says "come" and i follow him and he sits on the bed he directs me to sit on his lap infront of a mirror. I say "hobie what's going on?" He exhales and says "you just got bit by a radioactive spider" i say "what the hell is a radioactive spider."

He says "this might sound crazy love, but listen to me i even got bit by a radioactive spider and i know this sounds crazy but please believe me, when i got bit by the radioactive spider it gave me powers to do certain things." I say "so what does this mean for me?" Hobie says "well.. ur soon supposed to me spider girl and like help save people and other stuff.."

I look at hobie and tilt my head and i say softly "hobie.. i cannot do that" hobie says "listen baby since i got bit by the spider to.. that turned me into spider man but i go as spider punk and i learned how to do all these tricks with the webs and more and i save people's life." I say "hobie im not ready for this.." he says "i know baby but you will learn how this all works and everything."

He all the sudden opens up this weird thing and it's glitching and he says "come" i say "what the fuck is this shit." Hobie says "just come please" and he walks in and now it's my turn. I breathe in and breathe out and i walk into it all i know is i was sliding thru these tubes and then i landed in this place where i saw so many people and i was walking with hobie.

Me and hobie enter this building and we go on this elevator and it takes us all the way up very high and the elevator doors open. I walk with hobie and i see all different people inside these things but they were still alive and i say "what the hell" and hobie says "come on!" And i run to catch up to him.

All the sudden we enter this place and i see miles, my own cousin then gwen then i didnt no anybody else. I say "miles and gwen what the hell are you guys doing here?" They exhaled and miles says im spider man and gwen says im spider girl. I say "why did you guys never tell me this" and they ignored me that was weird asf.

All the sudden i see this man and he looked very strong and he was standing on something on something floating in the air. He was coming down very slow i whisper to hobie and say "why is he taking so long" hobie says "i know just wait" and we wait for 1 minute and he comes down finally.

I scoot more next to hobie hugging his arm and he comes down and introduces himself he says "My name is Miguel O'Hara. I'm this dimension's one and only Spider-Man. At least I was, but I'm not like the others. I don't always like what I have to do, but I know I have to be the one to do it. I've given up too much to stop now."

I say "well miguel will you tell me why im here?" He says with his deep voice "you have got bit by a radioactive spider did hobie explain to you?" I say "yes he did" he says "oh then i dont need to explain hobie will show you how to do tricks and more stuff in the morning." He says "we will get you a room in the morning since you don't have a room who do you want to share a room with?" i say "I choose hobie" he nods.

Miguel says "you guys can go now" and everyone walks away. I follow hobie to his room and he scans this watch across it and it opens the door we walk in and hobie says "dont mind the room it's a little messy but it's not too messy" i say "hobie it's fine don't worry!" Hobie says well im going to take a shower and go to bed, we have to do some practicing in the morning love so be ready.

As he takes his shirt off i go to him and hug him and he hugs me back while he rubs my back he kisses my forehead and all the sudden miguel walks in. I jump backing up from hobie and miguel says "yup i should just leave right here i'll leave it to you two love birds" and he closes the door.

Anyways me and hobie finish off kissing and he goes to the bathroom and turns on the shower on and i get in the bed laying down watching tik toks. Waiting for hobie to get out, hobie gets out and he smells so fucking good, hobie walks out with a white t-shirt on and some white shorts on.

I smile at him and he smiles back he gets in the bed with me and he cuddles up with me putting me against him. I turn facing him smiling at him and i kiss his cheek and i wrap my arms around him hugging him hobie kisses me in my mouth and i lean in deeper kissing him more.

Then he kisses my neck i say "mmm.. hobie stop it" and he laughs and i smile at him i hold his face and i lean in for a kiss on the lips holding his cheeks as my hands cup his face. Hobie says "love we should go to bed now" and i say your right i turn off the lamp and i turn to the wall, hobie says "goodnight my love" and i say "goodnight love" and he puts himself against me wrapping his hands around my waist and he rubs my stomach and i slowly fall asleep.


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