Chapter 1

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"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'M GETTING UP!" You say as you hit the "stop alarm" button on your phone. As you're getting up your phone starts to ring " DAMN IT I JUST GOT UP! WHAT NOW!" You look down at the caller ID and see your best friend's name making you calm down. "Hey Jules, what's up?" "what's up?! WHATS UP?! DID YOU REALLY JUST ASK ME THAT?! DID YOU FORGET WHAT TODAY IS?" You look at the calendar on your wall seeing that today was your birthday. How did you forget your own birthday?

"Honestly Jules I did, and please stop yelling I just got up... but honestly I've just been so busy lately that I didn't realize." You say as you make your way to your dresser to get your clothes out for the day. "Sorry girly, I'm just excited! Anyways let me in!!" right after she says that you hear a knock on your door. You shut your dresser and head towards your front door. "Jules....really? I'm not even out of my pajamas yet...and did you forget that you have a key? Anyways I'm hanging up." you say as you end the call, unlocking the door. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE!" Julia says as she busts the door in and gives you a huge bear hug. "Thank you, Jules. How come you're here so early?" you say as you break away from her hug. "To get you ready, dummy! Here, Take this, this, and this, and go get dressed. Oh, and no complaining about saying it's not your style. I have seen practically this same damn outfit in your dresser. Now go!" Julia says as she hands you three large gift bags, spins you around, and pushes you down the hall to your bedroom.

You make your way back into your room and place the bags on your bed, sighing as you sit down on the edge of your bag to open the bags one at a time. You lay the contents of the bag down on the bed and assemble the outfit she brought you. below you, you see that she gave you a white blouse with loose sleeves, royal purple dress pants, as well as a set of amethyst stud earrings with a matching necklace. Smiling you start to put on your outfit as Julia knocks on your door " Y/N! What's taking you so looooong!" You roll your eyes still smiling as you reply to her through the door "I'm still getting ready! Have some patience Jules, ill be out in a few!" You go back to your bed and pull out your favorite pair of ankle booties from under the bed that just so happen to match the pants Julia gave you perfectly.


{ A.N.: (F/F) is your favorite food }

You walk out of your bedroom and into your kitchen to find that Julia had made you your favorite breakfast and had it sitting on the counter while she washed your dishes for you. "Jules! You didn't have to make this, you know how difficult it is for you to cook!" (Julia had been a terrible cook for as long as you can remember). Julia smiled "I know but I spent all week practicing how to make (F/F) so I could surprise you with it today, so eat up while it's fresh!" You sat down at your table and started eating, by the time you had finished eating Julia had finished the dishes and sat down at the table as she started talking. "So bestie what do you have planned today, since I did kind of just barge my way in..." she said chuckling "I'm not sure what my plan is for today... I was kinda just going to relax a little, maybe go for a walk. Just take some time to relax," you replied as you took your plate to the kitchen and sat it In the sink Julia just emptied. "Oh, did you want some company? I'd be more than willing to tag along!" Jules said looking up from her phone. "No I think i just want a day to myself if that's alright," you said smiling weakly hoping that you didn't upset her. "Of course it's alright hon it's your day!" she said as she started to pick up her things and head for the door. " If you change your mind I'm a phone call away!" You smiled as she opened the door to leave, "Thanks Jules, I will call you if I need something" you said as she walked out the door, shutting it behind her.


You sit down on the couch thinking about what you wanted to do today "Hmm, I feel weird being all dressed up for nothing, maybe I should go over to purple rain..." You say to yourself looking on your phone to make sure they're open. You were pretty sure they were since you've been going fairly frequently these past few weeks, after all, it was one of the only bars open before noon on a Wednesday. Making up your mind you go back to your bedroom to grab your keys and your wallet making sure that your ID was in it before making your way to your car. You get in your car and drive to the gas station forgetting that you never got gas on your way home last night. After you get gas you finally get on the road and head to the bar. As you were driving you wondered if the bar was hiring but knowing you had little to no bartending skill you pushed that thought to the side. As you pulled up to Purple Rain you see a purple Mercedes in the parking lot instead of the normal black jeep you know the bartender you see all of the time drives. "Hmm, I wonder whose car this is, maybe a new hire ?" You thought as you pulled into the parking spot next to the new car.

Walking into the bar you are greeted by the gentleman at the bar who you assume is the owner of the purple Mercedes you saw in the parking lot. "Welcome to Purple Rain, how may I help you today, love." He said as he was stocking the bar with alcohol. He had a very strong British accent that you found quite delightful. "I'm just here for a drink...." you say as you cross the room and sit down at the bar.


The bartender turns around with a glass and coaster in his hand, he places them both down and smiles before he turns to pick up another glass, "What can I get you to drink, love?" He asked as he polished the glass "I'm not sure, what would you recommend?" you say as you fiddle with the coaster he laid out for you on the bar. "How about a Lavender Ice, my personal favorite," He says with a smirk, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it." "Sure, it sounds delightful...are you a fan of the color purple?" you reply to him noticing he is wearing a black and magenta corset over a white button-up shirt with a matching magenta tie. Glancing back at you he answers " I am indeed, what brought you to that conclusion?" he asked smirking as he pulled the ingredients to start making your drink. "Just a hunch..." you say thinking about the purple Mercedes you parked next to in the parking lot. You wondered if that car belonged to him...although there wasn't anyone else in the bar with the two of you so it had to be his car. The bartender turned back around with your fully assembled drink setting it on the coaster he sat down for you earlier. "Let Me know how you like it, I'd be more than happy to remake it for you miss...?" "Y/N, my name is Y/n." You say answering his question. "That's a beautiful name," he says holding his hand out "The names William, William Afton."

Lavender Ice       (William Afton X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now