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(Y/Ns POV)

I walked at a max speed towards the farthest vent from where I bumped into Red. I didn't want him overhearing what I was about to tell Purple. I reached the vent and crouched down. "Purple!" I whisper shout into the vents hearing it echo throughout the vents. Thankfully he was nearby and immediately poked they're head out of the vents. "Y/N what is it?" He asks with a confused look. "I think I have a crush on Red." I blurt out. I watch as his face goes from confused to shocked. "You have a crush on the guy who turned you into a monster?" He asks shocked. "Yeah..." I say rubbing my arm. "Well I'm not the best at this stuff but since you're my best friend,  I'll still help you." They say signaling for me to back away from the vent so they could come out. "Now explain everything." He says with a little bit of curiosity in they're voice. "Well I've been crushing on him for a while now." I say smiling a bit as blush forms on my face. "Something happen?" He asks giving a confused look. "Me and Red bumped into each other earlier and we were kinda in an awkward position..." I say feeling my face heat up remembering seeing Red above me as his arms were propped up on the floor on both sides of my head.  I remember how his face looked redder than usual too. "Woah woah what kind of position?" Purple asks a bit uncomfortable. "Well I was on my back with him above me with both arms propped up next to my head. I say watching as Purples eyes widen as he starts to chuckle. "Also his face seemed to be redder than usual." I add. Suddenly Purple jumps into the vents and leaves me alone in silence. "What was that about?" I ask myself confused staring at the vent Purple just went in.

(Red's POV)

I sat up and began looking for Green with my face still warm. I found him exactly where I knew he would be. The Theater. "Hey Green." I say announcing myself so he knew I was there. "Oh hello Red, why are you here and not in your office or lab?" Green asks. "I need your help with something." I say sitting down next to Green. He turns his head in my direction as if he was saying 'I'm listening.' "Well I think I have a crush on Y/N." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh then you came to the right Rainbow Friend." He says with a bit more cheerful voice. "I was told by Purple, to come ask you." I say looking up at Green. "Of course I did help him confess to Orange." Green says with a chuckle. "Now how about we talk a while about this and I can think of a way to help you out." Green says with a smile. I talked to Green a while learning ways to confess my feelings to Y/N. I then was told to go and buy her some chocolates and flowers. I didn't know what I would do until I remember an old hoodie I would wear whenever I had to go get stuff from the store. I rushed back to my office and took off my lab coat and put on my grey/gray hoodie. I then grabbed the money I had in a safe hidden underneath my bed. I then left the Rainbow Friend's Play Place pulling the hood up over my head and heading towards the nearby grocery store. Since I was out I might as well get the groceries as well. After getting to the isle with the chocolates a police officer walked up to me. "Have you seen these people?" He asks showing a missing poster of a man that looked to be Y/Ns Ex boyfriend and another one of Y/N herself. I felt myself begin sweat as I stared at the posters. "No sorry officer." I say staying calm as to not draw any suspicion. "Ok but let us know if you do see them." The officer says as he begins to walk away. I then got the chocolates and payed for everything. I decided I would pick the flowers fresh instead of buying some. This was it I'm confessing tonight. I looked behind me before taking the path to the Rainbow Friend's Play Place.  I wasn't going to risk anyone following me to the play place so I took the path that had lots of twists and turns that I know like Purple knows his vents. I soon arrived at the play place and walked inside. I headed to the kitchen that was normally closed off from the rest of the building and put the groceries away. But before I went to confess to Y/N I needed to get some flowers so I went to a nearby clearing where a bunch of flowers were growing and picked some. I returned to my office with the flowers and the chocolates. I then took off the hoodie and decided to keep my lab coat off. I readjusted my tie and grabbed the flowers and chocolates. I then remembered the plan Green and I had come up with for this to all work out. 'If I'm correct Y/N should be knocking on my office door any second n....' my thoughts were then interrupted by a knock on my office door. I was about to confess my feelings to her, but will she return those feelings....

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