you make me feel like i am home again

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Charlie Kelly didn't have many friends. So, he wasn't exactly expecting much for his birthday. He knew the kids in his class liked to go all out for things like this--turning 18 seems to be a big deal to most people--but all he hoped was that his mom would at least remember.

But, when he emerged from his room that morning, nothing. And that was okay. Sure, it wasn't what he wanted, but when did Charlie ever get what he wanted? He simply brushed off the disappointment and went to school.

At school, he would find Mac. The boys would do anything for each other, surely remembering a birthday wasn't too much to ask for.

They were in the same class third period that year, and the two would usually spend it smoking outside underneath the bleachers. Charlie could barely remember what class they were supposed to be in--math, or something boring like that.

He was so sure that Mac would remember. Even then, they had been sitting under there for half the period, and still nothing.

"Y'know, isn't there-" Charlie coughed, speaking while exhaling smoke, "-isn't there like, a holiday today, or something?"

Mac shook his head, "don't think so, Char."

"Really? There's nothing- nothing of significance today? Nothing at all?" Charlie asked. He was practically begging Mac to catch on.

"Nope," Mac replied, grabbing the joint back from Charlie.

"I was sure that there was something ," Charlie said, defeated. Of course, he wouldn't tell Mac that it was his birthday. He didn't want him to feel bad about forgetting, though maybe he did a little bit. Besides, how lame would that be?

Mac didn't seem to notice the solemn look on the other's face. He took a long drag, coughing it out, "are you comin' over after school?"

"I dunno, I think I'm busy," Charlie lied. He figured that if nobody remembered his birthday, he could at least go steal a shitty package of mini cupcakes from the store and celebrate by himself.

"What? No, dude, you have to come. I think something, like, crawled into my basement and died 'cause I found these super cool looking bones down there last night. It was fucking sick. You have to come and see," Mac pleaded.

Charlie sighed. He couldn't say no to Mac, even if he wanted to. "Yeah, okay fine. But- I gotta run home first. I seriously have shit to do."

"Yeah, that's cool. I gotta walk Poppins," he paused, taking another hit and yet again coughing through the smoke, "oh, shit, I hope those weren't his bones."

The two laughed, Charlie smacking the other boy on the leg. The bell rang.

"Alright," Mac said, standing and snuffing out the joint under his combat boot, "so, my place later?"

Charlie scoffed jokingly, "Whatever, man."

Mac hit his shoulder, "Later, Char," and left toward the school building. Charlie would head back soon after, but he would wait for the tears welling in his eyes to dissipate. Mac had never forgotten his birthday. Why now?

Charlie blinked up at the sky, wiping his eyes. Maybe this way he wouldn't get all puffy like he usually would.

And, after what was seemingly an eternity, the school day ended.

Charlie called out to his mom as he walked through his front door and put his bag down, but no response. He shrugged, reaching into the cooler and putting a few beer bottles in his bag, "Happy birthday to me," he mumbled, sighing.

He figured he would wait around a while before heading to Mac's house, he did say he had stuff to do. But, that "stuff to do" turned into him sitting in his bedroom and drinking the beers he stole.

you make me feel like i am home again (charmac)Where stories live. Discover now