Chapter ~2

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"Father wont be too happy" Itachi said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Fuck that old man" I said frowning. I look over at Naruto, "Naruto, do you mind if I show you to my parents?" I ask. He looks up at me shocked.

"Wait, already?" Naruto says giving me an unsure look.

"Well I marked you a long time ago, its about time I tell them." I said leaning closer to him. So only he could hear.

He blushes at how I got closer, and just nods. I smirk, and lean back. I look at Itachi, "go deal with the other vampire." I said.

He sighs and walks out of the bathroom. "Ok lets go." I said, picking naruto up in princess form. I walk over to the back wall and flick it with my finger. In that moment, the whole wall came crashing down.

Naruto gasp, "Sasuke! Why did you do that!" He yells looking at me with shocked and angry eyes.

"because its a faster way to leave this nasty place." I said walking out. It lead to the back alley way. And I knew for a damn fact, that those body's were very close behind me. "Naruto, I'm warning you now." I said narrowing my eyes as he looked at me. "Don't look behind you."

Naruto sweat dropped and nodded. I jumped up on the roofs of the buildings and started running and jumping from roof to roof.
Naruto screamed in terror and shoved his face into my neck closing his eyes. "Oh my god, oh my god." I heard naruto mumbling under his breath.

When I reached my house, which was less then three minutes. I jumped down and put naruto down. When Naruto tried to stand his legs ended up buckling. So he couldn't. "What's wrong?" I asked confused on why his body was doing that.

"You scared the shit out of me! And this is the ending result. Thanks." He said sarcastically. I sigh and pick him back up. I pick him up in princess form again. Naruto wrapped his arms around my neck as I started walking.

I knock on my door, waiting for someone to answer. And just my luck, It was my dad. "What the hell is that?" He asked, putting on a disgusted look.

"My soon to be husband." I said glaring at him. My dads face grew angry when he heard this. "Oh hell no!" He yelled as I sat Naruto down on the couch.

Naruto's face showed fear as he saw my dad. He immediately looked away when they made eye contact. "HE CANT EVEN MAKE EYE CONTACT!" My dad yelled.

I shot him a look that said, 'shut the fuck up'. But knowing my dad, he shot the look right back. "don't give me that look. I'm your father!" He yelled walking over to me.

Just in time my mom came running into the room. She had a new bruise. I narrow my eyes at her as I studied her. "Where did you get that bruise?" I ask ignoring my father. My mom sweat drops and covers her bruise.

"I uh, fell!" She said smiling nervously. "yea fell! That's it, I only fell." She said, as if she was convincing me.

"Go away hag." My father said glaring at her. "Well that's no way to talk to your wife!" Naruto said standing up, with a pissed off look.

We all turned our attention to Naruto. "What did you say?" My father asked titling his head to the side.

"Oh I know damn well you heard me!" Naruto yelled crossing his arms. "Now you get your ass out of this house and go take a walk to calm your ass down!" Naruto said pointing to the door.

"This is my house! You can't do that!" He yelled back. "Actually, this is my house." My mom said stomping her foot.

My dad sweat dropped and rolled his eyes. But my mom glared at him, like she just realize that she was the boss. "Now get your ass out and go take a walk like the young gentlemen said." My mom said flipping her hair off her shoulder.

My dad sighed and walked out. "Wooow! You go mom." We all turned our heads to see Itachi.

Naruto then sweat dropped and put his hands over his mouth, like he just regretted what he did. "Oh my god." He said looking at my mom. "I'm so sorry for yelling at your husband!" Naruto said.

We all looked at Naruto and started laughing. "no, no, I'm sorry for my husbands behavior." My moms said walking over to Naruto and bowing.

Naruto's eyes went wide. "No, please stand!" Naruto said waving his hand. I smile as I see my mom and Naruto talking, and getting along.

"So Sasuke, this is your soon to be husband?" My mom asked turning to face me. I nod.

"Yea your son marked me in 5th grade, and then hasn't seen me in seven years and now I am going to be his husband." Naruto said giving me a look.

My mom gasped and looked at me shocked. "How did you know how to mark at only 11 years old?!" My mom asks narrowing her eyes.

"I saw Itachi do it." I said pointing to Itachi. Itachi look at at me with raging eyes. "NOT TRUE!" He yelled crossing his arms.

"is to! You just don't want to get in trouble!" I said smirking. Of course my mom believed me, and started fussing at Itachi.
While they were distracted, I grabbed Naruto's arms and dragged him upstairs.

I showed him to my room and walked in. "Lets finish what we started." I said smirking. Naruto's face went red as he looked away.

I closed and locked the door behind me as I walk towards a blushing Naruto. I grab his waist and pull him close to my body. Naruto puts his hands on my chest as he stands on his tippy toes to reach my lips.

I smirk as I see him struggling to reach me. "Sasuke~" naruto whines when I don't lean down to kiss him. I chuckle and lean down. The moment our lips touch, was the moment I put action.

I break the kiss and then go in for another kiss. I lick Naruto's lips, asking for permission. Naruto opens his mouth almost immediately, and I slid my tongue in.

I put one of my hands on the back of Naruto's head and tilted it back so I could get a better angle and go deeper. while my other hand goes into Naruto's pants. Naruto had loose pants so it was easy to move my hand around.

I rub Naruto's ass, causing him to moan softly. The noise I have been wanting to hear. When I broke the kiss, there was a bridge of saliva. But it immediately broke. I look down at Naruto to see him breathing heavily. His cheeks were a bright pink and his eyes looked thirsty for more.

I smirk as I see him look like a hot mess after just one kiss. Naruto whines when I stopped kissing him. I lean down and smash our lips together. Wanting to explore Naruto's mouth, I lick his bottom lip. He opens his mouth and I slid my tongue in.

I take my hand out of naruto pants and smack his ass. causing Naruto moans in the kiss. I put my hands on Naruto's waist and squeezes it. I then pick him up, breaking the kiss. Naruto wraps his legs around my waist. Looking into the eyes, all I could see was lust.

Naruto cups my face and leans down. Before his lips touch mine, Naruto leans his head back and groans in pain. He puts his hand on his neck.

I narrow my eyes. "What is it?" I ask raising a brow. "My neck in burning Sasuke." Naruto whines. My eyes widen and I look around the room

Someone is watching us..but who?

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