Chapter 10

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"Mom, what are you doing?!" Rami yelled, as Orion's vision blurred. He told himself this wasn't real, despite the obvious evidence.

His mom continued to talk to the person on the phone until Rami ripped it out of her hands and threw it against the wall. It broke in half.

"I will not stand for this in my house. In our house. You go to your room right now, Rami. And you need to leave immediately, Orion."

"What did you do?! You can't kick him out! He didn't do anything!"

"I saw it with my own eyes, Rami. I came out to check on the two of you once I saw lightning strike near the barn, and you two were kissing. He turned you into a homosexual. He turned you to sin."

"He did none of that. I was already gay before he crashed into that wheat field!"

"I know that's just the devil talking through you. As soon as the pastor finds out about this, we will get you fixed. Now go to your room."

"Mom, what did you do?"

"I reported him. With that helpline. Syndra's men will come to pick him up shortly."

"They'll kill him."

She looked dead at Orion. All the warmth he'd seen her have before was drained away. "Then they'll be doing our country a favor."

Rami's eyes turned to horror as she spoke, and his dad came down the stairs, shotgun in hand. Orion's apparently spry fight-or-flight kicked in, and he immediately booked it for the door. He had barely dived down the patio stairs when the blast went off, blowing holes through their front door.

The Clockwork clicked into action, charging at a speed Orion hadn't seen yet towards the front door. It burst through it with intent and disappeared inside.

"Stop!" Orion yelled after it. Rami was next to appear, throwing a jacket on and running out of the now shattered doorframe and almost stumbling down the slick staircase. He then helped Orion to his feet.

"We have to go," he whispered, his voice shaky. "We have to get you out of here."

He grabbed Orion by the arm and started dragging him out to the field. Eventually Orion got over the initial shock of being shot at and scrambled to the field with him. Heavy stomps behind them indicated his protectorate was following.

Another shotgun blast sounded off, and some projectiles could be heard pinging off of the Clockwork's body. The rest came nowhere near the group, as they had gotten way out of range.

"What are we going to do?" Orion asked, slowing down. The rain wasn't making this any easier for them.

"You have to go. Leave and don't come back. They'll kill you if you do."

"I can't leave you here. They might kill you, too."

"They think this is all your fault. If I lie enough and follow along, I should make it out without them doing too much to me."

"I don't want to risk that. What if I never see you again?"

"You will. You promised me. We'll travel the world together."

Amongst all the other sounds, a steady beating noise filled the air. They looked up to see a few lights illuminating three or four helicopters, which were slowly descending, as well as the familiar shape of cloudships a bit higher.

He was here.

"We don't have time to debate this anymore," Rami said. "Fly away. Get out of here."

Orion looked between Rami and the Clockwork. "We could both fit if we hold on tight."

Orion and the Clockwork (The Carmsborough Vigilantes #2)Where stories live. Discover now