SoundWave (Dad) x Child OC

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(A/N:This One-shot was requested by AaliahKasandraValeri  And the Allowed me to Use their OC, but I might have them have magic)

SoundWave was checking the monitors on the Nemesis Ship with his Son Amber by his side. Amber was excited and happy that he gets to work with his Dad. SoundWave found Amber by himself in the woods and decided to Adopt him as his own, and Megatron allowed this to happen, just as long Amber doesn't cause any trouble to the Decepticons, which he doesn't.

Megatron: "Decepticons, we have the next location of the next omega key thanks to SoundWave's Intelligance"

Amber: "Wow Dad, your incredible"

SoundWave: "Thanks Amber"

Megatron: "Soundwave, this time, why don't you and your little son retrieve the next Omega Key"

Amber goes down on his knee

Amber: "Lord Megatron, are you sure I am allowed to go, I am only a child"

Megatron: "I wouldn't Allow it, but I am making this an Exception, you may go before I change my mind"

Amber: "Yes My lord"

Soundwave: "Be careful ok Amber"

Amber: "Don't worry Dad, We're gonna that key together

Soundwave: "I don't want anything happening to you"

Amber: "Dad, I have Magic that will help me, I'll be fine, I'll radio you if I need Laserbeaks assistance"

Soundwave: "Well, Let's go"

SoundWave spawned a ground bridge and they Both went through

Soundwave: "Stay Alert Amber, The AutoBots probably have the Location of this Omega Key"

Amber: "Ok Dad, let's go"

As Amber and SoundWave were trying to Look for the Omega Key, Amber finds it in some dirt, which he pulls out with his magic, and he Radio's Soundwave

Amber: "Dad, I found the key"

Soundwave: "Ok Amber"

Amber was levitating away with the key until he heard a ground bridge open behind him

Amber turns around and sees the AutoBots coming out

Amber: "Uh Dad, I need Laserbeak quickly, Autobots are here"

Soundwave: "Ok I'm sending him"

Optimus: "Amber, we don't any harm, just Hand over the Key and you won't get hurt"

Arcee: "Please just give us the Key Peacefully"

Amber put his left hand behind his back and secretly used his magic to send something

Amber: "Ok I'll it over........If you can catch me"

Amber lifted his Left hand up sending a wall to block the AutoBots from getting to him, and he flys away

Amber: "Dad, how far is Laserbeak because the AutoBots are almost getting close to me"

Soundwave: "He is getting to you right now"

Amber saw Laserbeak and moved out of the way to let him shoot the tree's to keep the AutoBots from getting the Key

Then a Ground Bridge opened, which Amber then went through with the Omega Key

Amber went to Megatron to give him to key

Amber gave the key to Megatron while levitating

Megatron: "Excellent Job Amber, I have been thinking, to make you my first in command"

Amber: "What,but that goes to Starscream"

Megatron: "After seeing the things you could do....You shall take his place"

Amber bowed his head down

Amber: "Thank you Lord Megatron"

Soundwave: "Wow, your given First in command Amber, that's amazing and we got the next Omega Key"

Amber: "Thanks Dad, but I couldn't do it with out you"

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