Chapter 1 - News and Action

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[𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

Devin sighed. He had tried moving to get away from his past job, but it appears that he cant even get a break. The news said that vampires were slowly taking over the city, and Devin knew that from his past experience as a vampire hunter had to come into play to stop this. So he went over to his safe, and opened it up.

Inside the safe there was a Heffner 17" Special, a NovaX shotgun, a baseball bat and bandages. When he was a child he fell off a lot of high places, but he never broke a bone, let alone any serious damage from it. Devin realized that for some reason he was a lot more resilient to getting hurt by falling, so he takes great advantage of that when in the heat of the moment. After making sure all his guns were loaded, his bat was in good shape, and bandages were all there. After all of that he realized he almost forgot his watch, which tells him about his condition.

[𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

Heading outside, looking at the moon, I don't know where to head first, as I don't have any employers to ensure me this time, but I can quickly tell because I hear a scream. Full alert, I head over there, Heffner Special raised. As I turn the corner suddenly a screech rings out "ROOOAAARR!" and I quickly cover my ears as the vampire saw me and started dashing towards me. It tries to grab me but I duck below and shoot it with my Heffner Special, but it flies out my hands cause the recoil. Quickly thinking I pull out my baseball bat and swing at the vampire as hard as I can, disorienting it. Then I pull out my NovaX and start shooting it, the vampire clearly worried starts to run away, but as it is I grab my Heffner off the ground and shoot it in the head, killing it finally.

Looking around I see a few dead bodies, and a few injured people. Going up to one of them I ask "Are you okay?" and they look at me in shock. A few moments passed by before they finally responded "I-I'm fine." and I really didn't believe that. A few moments went by again, and I finally asked, "Do you have anything to heal yourself with?" and she replied with "Y-yeah. I-I'll be okay.." and so I moved on and repeated the same process with the other survivors. After, I inspected the vampire's body, and realized the survivors tried to defend themselves a little bit before I came to save them.

[𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

I can't believe they got Supersonic, how was he not able to run away with his supercharge, or stun them with his screech? Hell, they even said there weren't any hunters at the city there, were we mistook, or was someone lucky enough to have a gun? Hopefully there aren't any hunters, or we'd be screwed.

Right, I should report this to boss, I'm the only one with this information, all I saw was Supersonic dead in the alley he usually hunts in, so I have to report this. Walking to boss's office I'm very worried. Opening the door I notice its very dark.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hello there, Volatile." Replied his boss.
"Boss, I have something to tell you."
"What is it, and just call me Vlad." 
"S-sorry bo- Vlad."
"So what is it that you came to tell me?"
"Supersonic is dead."
"I found him in an alley, I reckon someone there had a gun."
"A hunter?"
"Not likely, we were told none were here, and he also had many bruises and scratches."
"We need to tell this to the others."
"Okay, going now."
Quickly I start to scramble out the room. "Be careful!" Said Vlad. Then I swiftly replied "I WILL!" as I run away. The halls seem longer, but I don't give up. Seeing the doors to the main room I quickly burst through, and scream "I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!". "You're gay?" Says infect.
"No why tf would I?"
"Wheres Supersonic?" Asks Military.
"Its apart of the announcement I have to make."
"Get on with it already!" says Chiroptera
"Supersonic's dead."
"WHAT?" all of them say in unison
"I found him in an alley, I say we be more careful around this city, there might be more danger than we think."
"For once, I agree with Volatile." Stated BlackIce.
"Its likely that it was a civilian carrying a gun, because there were mainly only bruises and scratches on Supersonic, but in the case of a hunter, god knows how many more are en-route here."

Sitting down, I poke at the "dinner" on the table, which is really just some flesh slapped on a plate. After a while I just decide that I'm not very hungry and head up to my room. Sitting down on my bed I open up a book and read up on what the hunters can do, so that I can be wary of that.

[𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

Devin Laid down in bed, after last night he was very tired. Vampires are hard to fight, even when there's others around. After that he still has so much to do. He has to fix his baseball bat, get more bandages, fix his guns.

[𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

Sighing, I lazily get out of bed. Then I go over to my baseball bat and fix it up with the strongest thing I knew, duct tape. I could go to the store to get more bandages later, but I grab my guns and put them in some cold water while their barrels cool down and then I leave off to the store for some more bandages.

[𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕]

It is almost closing time, and OF COURSE A CUSTOMER SHOWS UP LAST MINUTE. Sighing, I wait for him to get what he wants. Surprisingly he comes over pretty quickly and just buys some bandages, don't know what for but I usually do not question anything anymore. That guy was actually pretty chill about it, we exchanged names and numbers after. 

Oh did I know the trouble I was in for.

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