The Ricrus is dead

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Ricrus: ya-da-da-da-da-da- it is good day to be not dead!

Chirusnia: *POW!* you are dead

Ricrus: I AM DEAD!

Chirusnia: hehehehelol

Japitly conga in

Japitly: *gasp* the Ricrus is dead!

Ricrus: Yes (Vodka). I am dead!

Japitly: why is the Ricrus dead!?

Chirusnia: I dunno

Ricrus: I think it was-

Chirusnia&Japitly: shhh! You are dead!

Ricrus: ok *Slam into ground rapidly*

Boliaustra: what's up, you wankers?! Who's up for a- AH! What's the- bloody hell just happened?!

Chirusnia&Japitly: the Ricrus is dead

(A, B, C or D game Starts)

Boliaustra: the Ricrus is dead!

Japitly: correct!

Boliaustra: *Happy Noise*

Japitly: so, di you see the murder?

Boliaustra: Nah,Sorry Mate

Japitly: *Slam on the desk* I Will find him, I Will capture him, and no one Will ever die again!

Both: *clap*

Unato: Atteeeeeeeeetion! The Ricrus is dead!

Japitly: we know

Unato: who killed him?

Japitly: we Do'nt know

Unato: I Will find clues!
*Snif ground*
What's that? a weapon?! That thing is why the Ricrus is dead!

Chirusnia, Japitly,Boliaustra: the Ricrus is dead?!

Unato: *Slam hands on desk* yes, he died!

Chirusnia, Japitly. Boliaustra: *All Shocked*

Geryand: (Fom far away) Incoming!

(Ambulance crashes Unato into a building Wall, well you know Killing him)

Geryand: *get out of the ambulance* Raus, Raus! *Pushes Chirusnia, Japitly and Boliaustra away from Ricrus* Move now! *Kiss Ricrus head*

Ricrus: Hohoho, Ric- *explodes* off.

Geryand: In my medical opinion, That Ricrus is dead!

(Camera rotates to Boliaustra)

Boliaustra: Yand, what happened?

Geryand: My profesional opinion?
*Slam hands on desk* the Ricrus was killed!

Both(-Geryand): *Panicking*

Geryand: I don't think It's anything to worry about

Japitly: well, what now?

Intsply: Clipidy clop Mother****er! Boom!

Japitly: oh come on, Not now

Intsply: Look at this, the freaking Ricrus dead..... What do you think of that?...........Uh-

Japitly: yes, yes, Intsply

Intsply: Yeah?

Japitly: Go home!

(japitly&Intsply Mother appears in a car telling intsply to get in)

Intsply: oh come on! PSFFFFFFF!
Freaking Unbeliavable seriously, you all Suck! **** you!

(Car Drives off and crashing noise is Heard)

Intsply: *Scream In pain & dead)

Japitly: alright, Let's get back to the poin

Ricrus:*Poking at his dead body* I think Ricrus is dead

All: the Ricrus is dead!

Geryand: *Turns around and see dead Intsply in burning Cars* Intsply! i Will heal you!
*Blows up*

Ricrus: Seriously,who killed Ricrus?!

Scottengla: *Drink* It was me!

Chirusnia,Japitly,Boliaustra,Ricrus: *Shocked*

Scottengla: Yes, I did it like this *Shoot Boliaustra*

Boliaustra: *Scream In Pain*

Scottengla: woop dee doo! *Drink more* that's a joke lads

Chirusnia,Japitly,Ricrus; *Starting Laughing like a Crazy)

Scottengla: *Drink again* it was yo- (burp) Him! *points at Chirusnia*

Chirusnia: *Gasp in Chinese*
How did you know?

Scottengla: I didn't (burps) that's a joke too

Chirusnia: *Communist Laughter*
That's Right! It we me!

Japitly: you are monster chirusnia!

Ricrus: but whyyyyyyyyyyy

Chirusnia: cuz ur Cappitalis

Ricrus: Rusnia Stop It, I'm a Communist too!

Chirusnia&Ricrus: *Arguing*

Meanwhile,Japitly just watching Chirusnia&Ricrus Arguing

Chirusnia: Ah dammit Ricrus **** off! You are dead

Ricrus: no but you, POW! Haha

*Chirusnia dead on Floor*

Ricrus: you are dead not big surprise

Japitly: Well, that was idiotic. Off to hang myself! *Doing a flipp on noose* watch and Lea- *Choking Noise*

Ricrus: I am Alive! Is nice.......... Yeah, this is stupid

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