Chapter 6: The empire strikes back

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                       narrator pov

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

Episode V
The empire strikes back
It is a dark time for the
Rebellion. Although the death
Star has been destroyed,
Imperial troops have been driven the
Rebel forces from their hidden
Base and pursued them across
The galaxy.

Evading the dreaded Imperial
Starfleet, a group of freedom
Fighters led by Luke Skywalker
Has established a new secret
Base on the remote ice world of Hoth

The evil Lord Darth Vader
Obsessed with finding young
Skywalker has dispatched
Thousands of remote probes into
The far reaches of space....

                        Luke pov

I ride on Wampa and got a clear view as I take off my mask and take my goggles off to look around.

I then saw something land on the ground.

My eyes widen as I take my binoculars out to take a look.

I saw nothing so I contacted with the base.

Echo three to echo seven Hans old buddy do you read me I asked.

Loud and clear kid what's up asked hans.

I finished my circle I didn't pick up any life readings I spoke.

There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser sensors are placed I'm going back spoke Hans.

Right I'll see you shortly there's a meteorite that hit the ground near here I want to check it out it won't take long I spoke.

Soon the Wampa started going crazy.

Steady girl what's the matter you smell something I asked.

I saw a yeti and it attacked me and I hit the ground and passed out.

                            Hans pov

I got off and walked off I found chewie.

Chewie I called out.

I saw he didn't hear me.

Chewie I called again.

He answered.

All right don't lose your temper ill come right back and give you a hand I spoke.

He answered me again as he shrugged and went back to work.

I walked around and walked towards the general.

Solo spoke the general.

No sign of life out there general the sensors are in place you'll know if anything comed around I spoke

Commander skywalker reported in yet asked the general.

No he's checking out a meteorite that hit near him I spoke.

With all the meteor activity in this system it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships spoke general.

General I got to leave I can't stay anymore I spoke.

I'm sorry to hear that spoke general.

Well there's a price on my head if I don't pay off Jabba the Hutt I'm a dead man I spoke.

A death marks not an easy thing to live with your a good fighter solo I hate to lose you spoke General.

Thank you general i spoke.

I looked and saw Leia.

I walked and stood infrount of her.

Well your highness guess this is it tell your sister I said bye I spoke.

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