The Forbidden Forrest

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Oliver was pretty upset that Gryffindor lost 200 points, but seeing the look on Malfoy's face when he got detention as well almost made up for it. The rest of Gryffindor did not find it as amusing as Oliver did, and they all gave the four kids a hard time, especially Harry. Oliver didn't even blame them; he would be mad too if someone just lost 200 points from their house.

The clock turned to 11:00 p.m. as Oliver sat outside the castle entrance with Hermione, waiting for Ron and Harry.

"What do you think they're going to make us do?" Hermione asked Oliver.

"I'm not sure. Hopefully, it's quick though because I'm tired," Oliver responded.

After about another minute, Harry and Ron came out of the castle, and Malfoy arrived with Filch after them.

"Good, you're all here," Filch said. "Follow me."

Filch escorted the kids over to Hagrid's Hut. "You troublemakers are really in for something. Make sure you never break a rule again - we will."

"It won't be as good as the days when we used to lock the children in the dungeons, but this will have to do," Filch said with a maniacal laugh.

"This guy is bloody mental," Ron whispered to Oliver.

They all arrived at Hagrid's Hut, and Filch knocked on the door. Hagrid came out, loading up a crossbow.

"About time," Hagrid said. "I've been waiting here forever. Harry, Ronald, Hermione, Oliver, good to see you guys again."

"So what do we have to do?" Oliver questioned.

"We'll be going into the Forbidden Forest," Hagrid responded, still fiddling with his crossbow.

Malfoy stopped dead in his tracks. "The Forbidden Forest? I'm not going in there."

"You will if you want to stay at Hogwarts," Hagrid responded.

"What's in the Forbidden Forest?" Oliver questioned.

"All sorts of deadly creatures, like... like," Malfoy was cut off by the howling of a werewolf. "Werewolves," Malfoy finished.

Hermione was a bit frightened and grabbed onto Oliver's arm.

"Is it really safe for us to go in there?" Oliver asked Hagrid.

"It'll be perfectly safe as long as you stick next to me and old Fang here," Hagrid said as a big black dog suddenly came out of Hagrid's Hut.

"I'll be back soon to collect the bodies," Filch said, walking away and laughing like a supervillain.

"Don't mind him. He's just got a stick up his butt," Hagrid said. "Come along now, children."

The group started walking towards the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid stopped just in front of the entrance to the forest. "I'm not going to lie to you lot. What we are doing could be dangerous. There's a unicorn who has been wounded very badly, and it is our job to find the poor beast. Now, I think it would be best if we split up to cover more ground. Ron and Draco, you guys are with me. Oliver, Hermione, and Harry, you guys go with Fang."

Everyone nodded and split up in different directions.

"I don't like being out here," Oliver said, trying to contain the fear in his voice. "We should just hoof it back to the dormitory and call it a night."

"That'll only get us in more trouble," Hermione replied.

"Well, what are we even supposed to do if we find the unicorn? Are the three of us supposed to carry it back to Hagrid?" Oliver inquired.

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