I don't know who you are

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"Then I'm sorry. What I feel to you is just a lust. I need closure for my high school self. I owe her happiness for what she's been through after you left. Now, we are done, you can go." You yanked your hand from him.

"No. I don't believe you."

"Believe me. Why would I want to be with someone who left me numb for years?" He ruined you like anyone else.


"Don't you use lies on me. If you love me, you won't marry Kath or have a fuckng child with her!!" Don't cry, Y/n.. You are doing the right thing. You lost him once, now you know he loves you. It was enough.

Together for a short time, it's not that bad.

"Y/n, we spent nights together. You can't fake love to someone like that." He refused to believe your words. The way you looked at him, all your small kisses, there was no way all of it were lies.

"Why? You could leave me without single words. I was worthless back then. You never called me back. You never look for me, when you are back you are about to marry another woman. Min Yoongi, I'm sure I can fake feelings."

"I don't believe you."

"Y/n is going to marry me." Jungkook pulled you to his side, "We have been in a relationship for two years."

"You don't love him." Yoongi turned his head to you, questioning Jungkook's statement.

"You are so naive. Thank you for the stuff.

I should've taken the car. I love it." You replied indifferent. Yoongi looked at Jungkook, his heart full of hatred towards him.

"Then I should give it to you as a wedding gift. I will send it to your place."

"You are very generous." You smiled.

"I guess we are done here. We will send you our wedding invitation." Jungkook took your hand, leaving Yoongi behind. He dragged you back to his place. His hand was cold. His grip on your hand was too tight.

"Jungkook, you hurt me.." He didn't listen.

Both of you were standing in front of his place when he suddenly let go of your hand.

"I don't know who you are." Jungkook chuckled bitterly, "You are not the same person I love." He stated, "You broke up with me and accepted Yoongi as your lover, knowing he will marry Kath. I was never enough for you, was i? Now he appeared all rich and powerful and you crawled back to him. We spent two years together, Y/n. Have you ever loved me once?" He was hurt. More than when you decided to end the relationship, "Just one time.."

"Jungkook.." He dodged your touch.

"Don't touch me." He took a few step back,

"If it wasn't for the baby she carried, you would have stayed with him, right?"

"I do love you Jungkook.. I don't choose him because of his money. What we had was special. I-"

"Then will you marry me now? If I propose to you again, will you marry me?" People stared at the two of you like a sort of opera soap scene. You know there was only one answer but you were too scared. It didn't matter anymore.

"Jungkook.. don't do this.." You had hurt him enough. His eyes softened, Jungkook pats your head. Even when you tricked his heart, your sadness was still his weakness.

"Think about it, Y/n.. I'm sorry I can't drive you home. I'll get you a cab instead." You shook your head, "Wait here, I'll get your stuff." Jungkook did a small run to his place. You watched his back get smaller.

A man like him didn't deserve a woman like you. You started to walk away. You wiped the tears with your trembling hands. Your heart was breaking twice harder. You can't have Yoongi, you're supposed to not look for help from Jungkook. You messed up your life real good. You should disappear.

Jungkook came back with your stuff. You were no longer in the place he told you to wait. He looked around. Where did you go?

He stared at your stuff on his hand. Reminiscing your warm smile, how big your heart is to help others, how you always work hard to achieve your dream.

He wants to be there, he wants to be your companion through life.

"I must be very stupid." He muttered. Jungkook ran. You weren't in the right state of mind. He shouldn't have been so harsh on you. He wasn't the only one who suffered.

He had been in love with you since high school. You helped him with the project. He spent most of his days at school stealing glances at you. Wishing you will notice him. But you never did.

Park Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and some guy from college try to reach you. It took several people before he could confess his feelings. When he thought he already won your heart.

World showed him that he didn't, not even close. You sold your heart to the devil.

"Stop the car." Yoongi almost screamed.

"Mr. Min, we don't want the media to have this. It could be bad for our stock."

"Why does everyone always want me to repeat my words? Who is the boss?"

"I'm sorry, Mr Min."

He saw you walking with your head hanging low. What happened? Jeon Jungkook, how dare you? Yoongi slid out of the car. Catching your delicate arm.

"Y/n.." You were surprised to see him, "Why are you here alone? Where is Jeon?"

"None of your business." You snapped to him, "Excuse me."

"You are not going to marry him, are you?"

"If you don't stop asking those questions, maybe I should.." You ignored him and kept walking. Yoongi followed you, "Y/n.. hear me out. I can't tell you the truth.."

You turned around, glaring at him fiercely, "Stop it, Min Yoongi! You would never tell me the truth! You slept with me then said you were going to marry someone else. As if it wasn't enough, she is pregnant too!" You screamed at him.

Many words were on the verge of his tongue

"I'll see you around. We still have projects together. Let's keep things professional." This wasn't high school anymore. You wished he never left, but he did. The distance that came after was inevitable. You didn't want to be a doll he could play house with. He loves you, it was true. But what he hid scared you.

"Why don't you listen..." Yoongi took a deep breath, "Y/n.. trust me there is nothing between me and -"

"All of this conversation is pointless. By the end of the day, she is your wife and she has your child. I want it too. My own family, husband and child but he would never be you." You touched his face, "Don't hurt me anymore." You took your leave before he could reply with any words.

Jungkook watched the two of you from afar.

He wished he was as persistent as Yoongi. You left Yoongi first. He wasn't sure what happened. Yoongi didn't come after you.

As if it was over. Everything.

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