|3| |Night 1|

6 1 2

Jaydens POV:
I make my way back down to freddy’s to start my night shift, I had a quick nap when I got back so im all awake for the night.
Its currently 11:45PM and I slowly make my way to freddys. By the time I get there, I’m 10 minutes early, I can see a light on in parts and service so I assume theres still some people left in the building, I unlock the main doors and let myself in, I then turn to lock it again, then place the keys back into a belt pocket.

My work outfit looked really good, it contained of a purple button up shirt, a black vest, black tie with matching black pants that weren’t too baggy but not tight either. I had a gold badge that says my last name on it and my belt contained of pepper spray, a walkie talkie, flashlight, my keys and some extra empty pockets.

“hello!” a voice from my right says making me jump a bit, making a small scream leave my mouth, “oh- im sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you… are you the new night guard?” the man asks, nervously laughing to himself embarrassed, “yeah I am-“ I look over to the boy, and oh my god, was he fine. And when I mean fine, I mean FINE! He has short brown hair that only just sits above his eyes, going into a small mullet looking hair type at the back of his neck, he has green eyes that glimmer in the moonlight, and an eyebrow slit on his left eyebrow, barely visible. He’s wearing the same uniform as me but is wearing a cap. “im Liam, the security guard for during the day, I was informed by Mr. Afton that a night guard was coming tonight so I stayed back just a little bit and cleaned up rooms that weren’t that clean when the cleaners left, so I could introduce myself to you.” Liam looks me up and down then raises his eyebrow, “you look a little young to be a night guard…” he leans on the main desk that we’re standing next to, “oh- uh- psh, no, im 18” I smile softly not wanting to lie but having to do so, so then this conversation can be finished and I can do my job. “well…” liam looks at his watch, “I must get going, your shift starts now” liam waves me goodbye and walks out of the pizzeria.

What a hot but weird guy

I roll my eyes and make my way to the office using the map that Mr. Afton had given to me earlier. I sit down in my desk chair and observe my surroundings, theres random papers on the desk, posters hung behind the camera monitors and a couple drawers behind me, I look up at the roof to see if there are any spiders, I cannot stand spiders, I would quite literally quite my job if there is even one, teeny tiny spider in here, I don’t see any so I just check through all the camera’s.

i flip to the main stage camera and see all three animatronics turned off. “god, this is so boring…” I mumble, I lean my head onto my hand and I slowly feel myself drifting off into a slumber. Before I can open my eyes and wake myself up, im already asleep…


I jolt my head up fast to the sound echoing through the halls of the building. I let my brain adjust to where I am before I check the cameras to see where the intruder is. I blink a couple of times and the banging continues. I groan as I lift my head off of the table then checking the cameras. I click to the main stage to see one of the animatronics are gone. “huh? Why is the chicken gone?... did someone really come in here to steal that thing?” I roll my eyes and check the rest of the cameras to see where the intruder was with the chicken animatronic. I had one more camera to check and that was the kitchen.

I click onto the kitchen camera to find out that its broken,” that goddamn intruder broke the camera!” I get out of my seat and I grab my flashlight off of my belt with a click. I make my way to my office door and I hesitantly open it, “god what if I die?” I slowly get that thought out of my head since I could beat that intruder with my bear hands if I needed too. I take a deep breath and I slowly make my way to the kitchen.

I stand in front of the kitchen doors, I slowly push them open and as soon as I do so, the banging stops. “whoever’s in here, come out now and you may not get arrested!” that was a lie, they would obviously get arrested. “im not scared to come in here, so show yourself!” that was also a lie, I was terrified to go in there, it was super dark. The intruder still didn’t come out of their hiding spot so I grabbed my flashlight off of my belt and turned it on, shining it in the room. My hand then stops, shining onto a big tall yellow animatronic, the chicken robot slowly turns around to face me, she then starts twitching and makes a loud screeching noise and runs right at me. “SHIT!” I yell as I then run for my life back to my office. Shit that chicken was fast, seriously I thought I was going to die at that moment.

I run down the hallways jumping over tables knocking over a couple of chairs over every known and then to slow the robot down, but it didn’t seem to work as well as I thought it would. I run down the last hallway that leads to my office, I look behind me and wish that I didn’t, chica was right behind me running full speed at me. I reach my office door and shut it as quickly as possible. I look out the window to see chica just standing there, then walking off like nothing had happened.

“fuck…” is all I can say, I was really out of breath, don’t get me wrong, im a fast runner and I don’t get puffed that easily but god, was that a long and draining run. It was a life or death situation, god knows what would’ve happened if she caught up to me.

I let my body slowly go back to normal but as soon as it does I feel a stinging pain down my arm. “ow- shit-“  I reach for my arm to realise blood stains on my purple sleeve. “what the fuck…?” I lift my sleeve up to see a huge cut starting from the middle of my hand up to my elbow. “shit that chicken must’ve done this before I shut the door, I knew something touched me while I clicked that button…” I get off of the floor and walk up to my desk, grabbing a plain piece of paper and wiping the blood off of my arm, I look around the office more and I find a water bottle so I decided to rinse my arm off with the remaining water that was left.

I slowly look down at my watch to see that my shift was almost over, just 15 more minutes left. I slowly sit back down in my office chair and I spin around in it, trying to forget what had happened, but it doesn’t go away.

‘It wasn’t an intruder… chica was baiting me into the kitchen to kill me…’ I thought to myself as my watch beeped indicating that my shift was over, I clean the office up so then liam didn’t have a dirty start to his day and I cautiously make my way through the halls. I eventually make it to the kitchen and I decide to clean up all the mess I made on my first day, just to help out since Mr. afton said that they were low on staff. I also really didn’t want to go to school, because I knew I would be interrogated by Michael as to why I got a job here, seriously why did he care so much. But hey! I now know why he said I could die, but I wasn’t scared of a couple killer robots. I actually find this entertaining but death threatening at the same time lol.

I look around the kitchen as I finish cleaning all the pots and pans chica had gotten out, I open cabinets and eventually found a first aid kit. I look through it and find a couple of bandages and alcohol wipes. After that I make my way to the staff bathroom and start cleaning my arm and hand. After I cleaned it with stuff that wasn’t just water I then covered my arm and hand, in the bandages I had gotten. I then look at myself in the mirror fixing my uniform and my hair, I can hear walking and talking out in the halls so im assuming some of the employees are already here. I look around the building quickly fixing all the chairs I had knocked over during the man hunt episode I had with chica. Don’t get me wrong, it terrified me, but I just shrugged it off, I don’t even know why. Maybe its because I want to at least last a week here. I start mopping the floors before any children come in, i know it isnt part of my job and im not getting paid for it but i really REALLY dont want to go to school.

Wow I really tried for this, I really did lol
I find it so hard to put in descriptive texts about whats happening since my brain just wants to get to the good bits of the chapter so quickly.
Im currently working on the next chapter, an again, its going to be a filler chapter for what happened while jayden stayed back at the pizzeria, just so then it doesn’t go straight to the next night, I promise it gets betten, I have a good idea for the fourth night so stay tuned for then!
I had a really good image of what this chapter would look like and I was really happy about it but then I wrote it down and rushed it, but in the future I may change it up idk lol!!!

(words: 1784)

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