Chapter Eight ㅡ Craving Skin.

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[WARNING! TRIGGERING PARTS AHEAD! And a short chapter too, apologies!]

Minho was quite proud of his doing.

He didn't spare once glance to the man before leaving the room, his bloodied scissor deep in his pocket so no one would find anything suspicious.

Minho entered their van, plotting himself beside Jeongin with a sigh. The younger looked at him with a confused frown on his face before shifting to the side to face the older.

"I thought you were coming with Seungmin hyung...?" He questioned. Minho nodded and then shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, but I felt hot there so... yeah. " He answered, Jeongin passed Minho a weird look before turning his attention back to his phone.

"The room is literally air-conditioned. " He mumbled.

But Minho didn't answer anything. Instead, he grinned secretly, looking outside the window. He felt an adrenaline rush in his veins, something like excitement, something like nervousness, something like enthusiasm, Minho didn't know how to differentiate them. It was like he craved more, more, it wasn't enough.

The way the man screamed when he dug the scissor into his skin deep, the way he groaned in pain when he tore away layers of his skin and shoved it in his mouth, making him swallow his own mass.

Minho caught his lips between his teeth to stop the grin on his face from becoming any wider. He never thought that ever in his life, he would ever do that. Heck, Minho may have seemed like a cold, mature, and tough person from the outside, but he wouldn't even dare hurting a fly unnecessarily. It was like loving Kim Seungmin has made him into a completely different person.

Like they say, love makes you crazy.

The door then opened, revealing an awfully tired Seungmin. The younger boy crawled on the seat beside Jeongin, shooting his fellow members a polite smile.

Minho's eyes darkened. He traced his eyes down to the younger's face, gazing at how his eyes lazily fell closed, how his hair covered his forehead, how a faint blush covered his honey skin. Minho's eyes then went down to his neck. He wondered how the younger would look like below him, how his neck would look like scattered in dark, reddened love bites, the way he would eat in his moans while he devoured those lips, the way he would scream when he would dig his teeth into the younger's flesh, sucking in his skin to almost draw out... blood?

Minho's smile disappeared from his face.

All the waves of emotions came crashing onto him like on a shore, his body stiffened. Minho looked away from the younger slowly, now focusing back to the mirror as the van now started moving.


Minho felt his lips quiver at that thought.

Had he really become that needy that... he wanted more? He sure liked seeing that man suffer in pain, screaming and crying when Minho stuffed his own skin inside his mouth, but never had he ever thought that he would be the one... wanting to taste it. He never thought he would be the one wanting to eat skin.



Minho almost wanted to slap himself. He chuckled lowly to himself in disbelief. Skin? Really? No, he wasn't some fucking animal. Even though his actions a while back were like one, he wasn't an actual animal.

Minho turned his eyes towards his palm.

His palm, now clammy, red-undertoned, he wondered how it might feel like if he tasted it just once.

Just once.

Minho slowly brought his index finger to his lips, making sure it went unnoticed by everyone else in the van. He placed his finger in his mouth, slowly grazing it across his teeth.

Here goes nothing.

He nimbly bit on his finger, hard enough to draw out blood. He shut his eyes closed tightly due to the pain but bared it. He winced, tasting a metallic liquid inside of his mouth (he could assume it as blood), but Minho continued to suck on his finger gently, but hard enough to peel away the top layer of his skin.

"Hyung? What are you doing?"

Minho flinched in surprise. He turned beside him, seeing the maknae look at him with a frown on his face.

"Oh... I..." Minho was at a loss of words. What was he supposed to say!?

"I hurt my finger, so I sucked my blood to stop the flow. " That was a believable one.

The two maknaes looked at each other in worry. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt a lot?" Jeongin questioned again.

Minho gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes, don't worry. "

"I'll treat you when we go home, hyung." He heard the love of his life say. Minho slowly turned to look at him, seeing the fragile boy give him an innocent smile.

But Minho, however, raised his brow at the younger's response.

"You don't have to, I did this to me, myself. "

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