Driving lessons

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AN: great title right? I am not even trying anymore. Btw this chapter will probably have grammar and spelling mistakes because I'm too lazy to edit it. I hope you like this chapter and have a good day <3

Sophie's pov:

" Ok everyone get in and let's go home." I told everyone "Please Foster we don't have this in the lost cities just let me try driving , just this one, please" Keefe said with puppy eyes. " Fine," I said "but I call shotgun". Keefe got in the driver's seat and I quickly told him what everything did. Dex and Biana wisely decided they would leap to the house. "this is the break and this is the gas , but try not to run anything over. Got it" I said sternly as if I were talking to a toddler. " Relax Foster I am good at everything," Keefe responded. At that I snorted.

Keefe put in reverse and slowly backed out. Then he put his foot and the gas, a little too hard if I do say so my self. And he did a Lamborghini platform as he turned onto the road. And with that he hit the gas and we zoomed down the road. " Slow down!" I yelled at him. With this he stomped on the break. Almost hitting a stop sign. We decided to stay on the access road because I was in favor of not dying today. We started driving at what the actual speed limit was and Keefe slowly got the hang of it but was still hitting the pedals too hard.

We finally managed to get back to the house and somehow weren't arrested. He backed into the driveway and parked. " I am never allowing you to drive again," I said shakily. I got out of the car and my legs wobbled and of course being the klutz I am, I somehow tripped over my own feet. Dex and Biana ran out and Biana said smiling " this is why we decided to leap." While Dex was trying to hide his laughter with a cough. Once Keefe got out he yelled " That was AWESOME let's go again." " NO!" I responded with a scared look on my face. Dex laughed " Wow he really traumatized you huh." " I don't want to talk about it" I said while stumbling inside.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter this was just a rush chapter. But this was based on me learning how to drive my dad's car lol. Anyway hope y'all liked it.

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