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at home we all went to our room to sleep
°°the next morning°°
ring ring
yn:••ashhh i hate youuu••
i shouted to the alarm clock
i fell down from my bed
yn: ••oh my kera you scared the hell out of me••
kera:••hAhahhaha i really did last night was fun you see we are going again today••
yn:•• nice try go i am not coming••
kera: ••what did you just say say it again••
she said while coming closer to me
i know what next
yn:••nothing ••
i quickly say
kera: ••good here take this wear it at 5pm we are going ok but not now so come down for breakfast ••
i collect the bag from her
yn: ••ok••
she left then i check the dress it was a purple short skirt with a white turtle shirt and a white shoe
there one problem the skirt is too short i have to because i don't want to get my friends angry i love them a lot
i quickly did my morning clans and went down stairs for break fast
?? POV
i saw her coming down stairs she was wearing a white short and a big hoodies to cover it CUTE i said to my self not letting anyone hear me
yn: ••morning guys••
All: ••morning!!••
and we start eating
for long i wasn't eating and keep staring at her cute face she is the only one that i love so deeply
cooky:step on my feet and whisper to my ear '°stop looking tina i know you love her eat before she notice you'°
i quickly start eating
after break fast we all went to our room to take a nap
it was evening now i quickly went to take a bath and put on the cloth kera had give to me that morning oh my gosh my lap her revealing but i have to then i put on my shoe and comb my hair and rush down stair  don't like make up they make me look like a doll so i just apply lip balm and went to the car with them
At the club
i went to sit down and the other went to the beer palour to drink i know
so i just other for soft drink
then suddenly seven men come to the club all dressed in BLACK
my enemy i hat black
so i just focused on my phone while all the girls and boys where just staring at them like a press who are recording on news
suddenly they come to my place of sitting at sat down
i know them well BTS
they were every one favourite not me
but in love their song so much
??: ••hello••
??:••my name jungkook hope you don't mind if we sit here••
yn:••no problem••
yn: ••no problem••
jk:••in case you don't know us••
yn: ••bts right••
jk: ••you know that awe some ••
i said and back to my phone
??: °slap° ••DRULLARD••
yn:i recive a slap at my back ••hush rita why did you slap me••
rita:••we are here and you are the now take this••
yn:••what this ... wait what whiskey••
rita:•• yes now drink••
yn: ••don't let me to i wouldn't be able to control my self if i drink this••
rita: ••don't worry••
then broom she pure it in to my mouth in one go
babies: ••yaa rita what did you give her••
rita:•• i just want her to have a taste••
now i can't control my self again
tina: ••oh my gosh what did you do to her••
i said i rush to where yn was she was drunk
babies: ••ask this unwanted kid••
tina:•• rita••
rita: ••yes me••
she said and run off
on the other hand bts was just watching the drama they don't want to interfere so they kept shut
and namjoon their leader was just looking at yn and lost in thought
babies:••let take her to the vip room for a rest ••
tina : ••ok••
then cooky come
cooky:••what happend••
tina:•• yn is drunk••
cooky: ••but she had never drink••
babies:•• rita forced her come on let help her to the vip room••
but then tina took her in a bridal style which shock bts babies and cooky
and tina just ignored them and took her to the vip room
soon both cooky and babies followed her
jk: ••you see that••
min: ••suck in heaven oh my gosh••
now joon was just speechless and his eye connect to her phone which he took immediatly
and then he drop it back
joon: ••j hope find every thing about yn••
he said and left
j hope: what was that from
suga:•• love at first sight••
he said and sip his beer
meaning while
they reached to the vip room and drop her there
cooky: whisper to tina so not to let babies who was still here with them to hear °i can see you are getting hard°
tina: looked at her
cooky:•• babies let leave her with tina and join the others••
babies: ••ok••
they left
then yn was left sitting on the bed and behaving like a drukerd with tina
tina come closer to her
tina:••sorry baby girl ••she said and kissed her instilling her two fingure in yn's pussy
making yn mourn in the kiss
tina:••I LOVE YOU••
she confessed to drunk yn and continue the kiss after some like she stop
yn:•• where are yo..u goi...ng i...wan..t mo....re••
tina: ••no we have  to go home it late••
tina went to call the others quickly and they took her home
cooky : ••wait her phone i am coming••
she went back to where yn sit with bts and took the phone
jk:•• hi √√
cooky:•• oh hi••
jk: ••hope she is ok••
cooky: ••who••
cooky: ••ya we are taking her home already••
jk: ••oh ok••
then she left

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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