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"So Rachel, Robin, Noah, Samantha, are working with us for the months mission. And Eric, John and Sofia are working with us for the weeks." Said Peter.

"Okay then, tell the four to get more news about the presidents meeting, and call the other three here." Said Kris.



After the other three got

"So you all know, about the kidnapping right?" Asked Kris.

To which everyone nodded.

"So we'll be kidnapping, Selena Janes. And nobody can cause any harm to her, you gotta bring her safe and good."

"Isn't kidnapping about torturing the captive?" Asked Rachel.

"We are not sadist are we?" she chuckled a bit and continued,"Look, the only thing, we want is a meet up with Diana and her husband, for a kind talk."

"So no harm?" Eric said.

"Yeah, no harm, we have been following her for a day now, we will have to follow her for 5 more days, and the sixth day.." She glanced at each one of them, "get her."

"Kris, I heard, that for kidnapping we hire people, and give them a address and tell them to drop the captive there, than why are we?-" asked Peter.

"We had someone assigned for it before, but than nine year's ago he stopped kidnapping and took over the job of a bartender." She said,"And I don't trust the other one we have assigned."

To which Peter nodded.

"So, anyways, I need every details about, Selena, where she goes, when she goes, why she goes. Everything." She said.

"Am I clear?" She asked.

"Clear." The three of them said in sync.

The past few days was hectic, they had been collecting the information about everything they could find about Selena and about the presidents meeting, and It's not like Kris has been just sitting down like nothing, even though she assigned them she still, herself followed Selena in disguise.

Kris has been following Selena from school to home, A few times Selena even turned around to check why was a lady following her around, but she thought it was just a random person roaming around.
But at this point she glanced at Kris for a longer period of time, so Kris approached her.

"Hey, kid." Said Kris.

"..umm, m-me?" Selena said pointing at herself.

"Do you see anyone else around?" Kris said with her not so famous smile, she had to bend a bit as Selena was just thirteen and really small in height.

"O-oh" Selena looked around a bit, and Kris gave her a confused look, and Selena said, "D-do you need something?"

"Hmm, what do I need?" Kris backed off saying that,and looked around, she chuckled a bit and continued, "Mm, maybe just a nice talk?"

"Just a talk? I am free, you can talk to me!" Selena said with a bright smile on her face. Which made Kris crept into a smile, and it wasn't unnoticed by Selena, she was happy that she made a stranger smile.

"How about an ice-cream to accompany us on our chat, hmm?" Offered Kris.

To which Selena nodded, and passed a huge grin.

They talked about life, Selena's life to be honest, she was on the highlight, Kris would always make up something whenever it came to her. She heard every little thing Selena had to say about her family. And how she would have loved to meet her aunt if she didn't die, after she got kidnapped and left on the road drenched in blood.

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