bittersüße tragödie: Hospital [17]

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"-Yukki! Wake up! Please! I beg you!"

Those were the words that I heard before waking up, they were familiar sobs and tears that I had already heard for my whole life, that person was calling for me, they were worried, they were waking me up

I got awoken by my mother's tears of terror, she was sobbing uncontrolably as soon as I opened my eyes, and then she holded my hand when she noticed that I had waken up 

Crying -Yukki! What happened to you?! I thought that I had lost you! Where were you to get hurt so badly?! I was scared that I'd never see you again!

I tried calming my mother down by trying to speak, but I wasn't able to get a single word out of my mouth, so I tried standing up, but I couldn't move aswell

-Yukki! Don't move! Please! You'll get injured!

Thinking -What does she mean by that? And- Why can't I speak? It's as if my vocal chords were ripped right out of me... Did I injure myself?

I suddenly saw some doctors walk into the room where I was in, telling my mother to get out of it afterwards, which made me start getting much more nervous than before, as I didn't know what was going on, but the doctors grabbed onto the blanket that was covering me up and then they removed it afterwards, which revealed something that made me shout out a loud blood curdling scream:


-Grab her!

The doctors that were surrounding me suddenly grabbed onto me to make me unable to move, and it did work, so I looked at my stomach once again, to see if what I saw was actually real, and all I saw was a big wide open cut where my intestines lied and I saw that one of my intestines was cut open, so then they put me under anesthesia, which made me not be able to feel any pain during the surgery

Thinking -What are they doing? What is happening to me? Am I going to die?! No! I can not die! My fans... What will happen to my reputation once they find out that I'm not a virgin anymore? What will happen to me when they find out that I was raped? They probably won't even care... I can't trust anyone... I'm fucking doomed for life because of...! Why did he...?! Why did he even pretend to be my friend before assaulting me?! I'm going to fucking kill that fatass! Why did he even assault me in the first place?! Was the money THAT necessary?! 

Yukki! Calm your ass down and shut the fuck up for a second!

Thinking -What the fuck?! Who is saying this?! Who are you?!

It's your father! God! I hate your fatass so damn much! I wish that you were dead!

Thinking -Too bad! You were the one who died instead! Not me, you stupid bitch! And I'm so proud about the fact that I don't have to smell such a stinky breath anymore because you're dead!

It got silent for a second, so I got nervous

Thinking -Father? Are you there? Dad? Was I just hallucinating?

It was quiet for a bit, but not for long, because I soon heard a familiar voice that gave me chills and almost a whole mental breakdown

Yukki-chan! You're such a mean woman! I AM your friend! Did you forget about that? Everyone in our classroom says that you and I are a perfect match! So... Why don't you just become mine already? I'll treat you well! It's a promise! And I'll get you so many children...! We're going to be perfect together! I'll give you all the kisses and the sex that you want! But- You'll just have to-


It got quiet once again, and a heavy weight that I felt on my head disappeared, which made me think for a while, before saying something to myself

Thinking -What the fuck is happening to me?! I'm hallucinating... I'm going crazy...

"-Yukki! Are you alright?! Wake up! The surgery is already over!"

And I woke up after hearing those words

-Mom? Mother? Am I alright? Did the surgery go well?

-Yes, it did. Calm down. You must've suffered so much... Matter of fact- Who even did this to you?! It first was that crazy man that fed you human flesh, and now this?! Also- The doctors detected fluids on your intestines, so... Did someone... You were raped by someone, weren't you?

-What? What are you even-? No! Stop making assumptions! I don't want to know how it feels like! Just... Leave me alone for a bit! I need some time for myself!

-Yukki. I need to know. Someone opened your intestines up and fucked them. We need to know who did it. Just tell us.

-I don't know! Can I call someone? I need to talk to somebody!

-What the fuck?! Call someone?! In this state?! Who are you even calling?! Your kidnapper? Your potencial rapist?! Yukki! Who did this to you?!


-I'll call Nathalie, she probably knows where you were before you were kidnapped again, and, she probably saw that old man who you keep mentioning kidnapping you. I'll be right back.

-N-no! Don't call her! And...! Please don't leave me alone again!

-Yukki, I'm on the other side, if you need me, then just call me by my name. It's not that hard. I'll be quick, I promise.

-I don't want to hear her voice! If you call her, please do it somewhere I can't hear her from!

-Why's that? Was she in on the plan? What is the reason?

-I-! I don't know! I didn't see her, so I presume not!

-Okay. But, I'm still going to call her anyway, in case she does know something.

My mother got her phone and she called Nathalie, waiting for her to pick up afterwards, but I presume she did because I heard her talking with Nathalie on the phone afterwards, and obviously, Nathalie acted like she was a complete angel and like she didn't know anything about the situation she had put me through, because she didn't want to get caught

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