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Kyoto, Japan; October 18, 2027

ELIANA is currently packing her things because she and Ran are traveling to Italy for training. Riri was entrusted with Eliana's cat named Ran so all are settled.

Ran still has to finish his studies to become fluent in English, and it's part of Eliana's contract to join with Ran.

Italy is one of her dream locations, so she is ecstatic to be able to visit. It is filled with artistic locations that appear to be emerging in her creative thoughts.

She did not go to Ran's residence; rather, Ran picked her up.

Ran was shocked since there was no communication between them as they got into the car. "Why are you being so quiet?"

Eliana looked at Ran and said, "Nothing."

Eliana kept clicking on her phone. That's why Ran turned to face her, who was standing directly next to her.

He reads and understands because he knows some of the words in Filipino. It is said in the messages . . . "Miss na kita, kailan ka babalik?"

It is a guy who chatted with her and Ran understands it so Ran grabs Eliana's phone and taps the video call icon.

And the guy answered the call, "Hey El, why y. . ."

"Bro, stop messing with her, it's just a warning from me . . ." And Ran's aura changed. Seems like he's jealous.

"Ran!" Eliana said and tried to take her phone back. "Jeremy! Paki-end call na niyan!"

"Why? I am just talking to him, Eli," Ran said and looked at Eliana.

Eliana still tried to get her phone back and calmly said, "Jeremy's my friend, Ran Takahashi."

"Hey there Ran, just a warning to you, if she's getting mad she will say completely your name."

Ran gives the phone back to Eliana and Eliana shuts down her phone. Ran apologizes to Eliana, and says . . . "I didn't mean to get you mad, I just don't want any other guys to talk to you even my teammates."

Eli turned her cheeks red like tomatoes. "You make me blush again! Don't be like that!"

Napatanong muli si Ran kay Eliana, "I'm curious, who is Jeremy?"

Ipinakita ni Eliana ang picture ni Jeremy at niya. "Jeremy is my friend that started when I was in 2nd-year college," sagot ni Eliana.

"How did you guys meet?" Ran asked as if he were an investigator interrogating Eliana about Jeremy.

"He messaged me. We're both same religion so I replied to him. We had a lot of interaction at our school before and one time I was chosen to be a narrative reporter and I watched him competing with my schoolmates, that's where we started to talk."

"What he was competing?"

"Table tennis," Eliana answered and looked in Ran's direction. "He's sporty like you!"

"I see, so he also be with you while you're studying?"

"Yes, in fact, we are study buddies who are always in the library studying for our semis and final exams and even tackling something about our lives," Eliana revealed while beaming as she told an old story of her with Jeremy. "There's a point that the librarian warns us because of our laughter," Eliana added. "We're both good friends."

Ran felt jealous because of that as he felt that Eliana was happy while talking about this friend of hers. That's why he changed the conversation. "So you like studying since then," said Ran. "The reason why you became a teacher."

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