You're Like Parents.. || DaiSuga as Parents // Fluf

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have a break from the osasuna/SakuAtsu drama <3

for the record, this is not the Karasuno team as children. just daichi and sugawara being the team's parents :]

however, i might write a story about them being parents to the team turned into children :)

time; just after Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa.


Hinata wandered through the hallway, trying to keep his head down. However, his attempts to keep a low profile ultimately failed.

Within a few seconds, he was crowded by people. First, second, and third years surrounded him, pushing to ask how it felt to beat one of the top aces in the nation. Hinata blinked, anxiety filling his body. He hated being surrounded.

“How did you do it?”

“Was Ushiwaka scary?”

“What about their middle blockers?”

“Were their serves hard to receive?”

“Were you really able to receive Ushiwaka's spikes?”

Hinata tried backing away, feeling uncomfortable. But he only backed into someone else. Now he felt trapped. He jumped up, trying to look over the crowd.

To his relief, he recognized Sugawara and Daichi, wondering what the crowd was about. It wasn't something he would've normally done, but as overwhelmed as he felt, Hinata tried to push through the crowd. But they stopped him, blocking him in, demanding more things about receiving Shiratorizawa's spikes and serves.

“Was blocking them hard?”

“Did anyone block Ushijima?”

“How much did they block you?”

Not willing to recall the intense, stressful match, Hinata jumped up and pushed through the crowd, running towards Sugawara and Daichi, who blinked at him. Sugawara immediately opened his arms and hugged Hinata close, realizing something was wrong.

The setter turned away from the crowd, and Daichi shielded them from the hoard of people, who seemed confused, upset, and offended.

“Hinata.. what's wrong..?” Sugawara asked quietly, rubbing the first-year's back. “Crowd.. overwhelmed..” Hinata mumbled, shaking slightly as he leaned against Sugawara. The setter nodded. “I understand.. It's okay. Daichi's dealing with them, okay..?”

Hinata nodded, closing his tear-filled eyes. Sugawara picked him up and carried him to a quieter hallway. When they got there, Sugawara sat against the wall, letting Hinata lay against him.

After a few minutes of Hinata sobbing quietly and Sugawara humming quietly to him, Hinata started laughing quietly. Sugawara blinked at him. “What's so funny?” He asked.

“It's just..” Hinata looked up, amusement in his eyes, “you and Daichi-san are like parents..”

Sugawara blinked, a soft blush covering his cheeks. “You think so..?”

Hinata nodded, smiling. “You two are always there to lift us up when we're down, or calm us down when we're upset. You,” he tilted his head, “are like the mother. Daichi-san is the father.”

Sugawara blushed harder. He liked the idea of him and Daichi being parents. He loved it. “I guess you're right. Now, do you wanna go practice? I'd be happy to set for you.”

Hinata nodded, jumped up, and immediately headed for the clubroom to change for practice. Sugawara followed happily, still thinking about the fact that Hinata considered him and Daichi as parents.



for those of you who don't follow me or didn't see my message board, this entire chapter got deleted when Wattpad glitched.

but anyway, this idea came from a text convo with inosukes_braincell , so yeah :D

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