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"Okay Y/N, you ready to meet the other members?" asked Bangchan 

"Physically, yes. Mentally, not at all" Y/N joked.  They were actually super nervous to meet their idols, but this was a once in a life time chance.  They couldn't pass this.  Bangchan opened the door to the dance practice room.  

"Minho hyung!!!! Stop flirting with Hannie!!"

"Shut up!! I can do whatever I want!" That's when everyone heard a smooching noise.  



"MY EYES!!!!"

"Guys! Shut it!" yelled Bangchan stopping the chaos.  The room went completely silent.  "We have a new PA. Come on in" 

Y/N walked into the room with eight pairs of eyes staring at them.  

"H-hi.  My name is L/N Y/N.  It's a honor to meet you" Introduced Y/N bowing a couple times.  

"Hi Y/N!!  Do you know who we are? Or do we need to introduce ourselves?" said the closet member next to Bangchan.

"I know who you guys are. Bangchan, Felix, I.N, Changbin, HAN, Lee Know, Seungmin, and Hyunjin." said Y/N naming all the members in the order they were sitting or standing in.  

"Cool. Come and sit down tell us a bit more about yourself." said Seungmin.  Y/N sat down next to Bangchan and started talking.

"Well, I'm 21 years old, but I'm turning 22 this year."

"Oh! Your the same age as Jeongin!" pointed out HAN.

"Yeah.  Um, my birthday is on July 22, 2001."

"Oh!! Your gonna be our new Manke!!" said I.N 

"Oh yeah they are!" said Changbin, "Maybe you should do a cover of Manke on top"

"No thanks. I'm not much of a singer."

"Well you should at least try some day." argued Changbin, and who can say no to Changbin.

"Fine... I'll try one day."

"Yay!" Y/N smiled at Changbin's remark, realizing that they were getting along with the members.  

"Tell us more about yourself." said Hyunjin trying to get back on topic.

"Well I moved here from the U.S two years ago.  My ethnicity is Vietnamese.  I'm fluent in English, Korean, Vietnamese, and I can do one hell of a good Aussie accent!"

"Oh can you?" said Felix in the most Australian accent ever.

(a/n: I'm gonna put when they are speaking English in bold!)

"Naur. I definitly can't" said Y/N sarcastically. 

"Oh! They can do a good Aussie accent" said Bangchan.

"I think that is all about me" said Y/N finishing.

"Ok. I guess we can go over somethings right?" asked Lee Know.

"Oh yeah we should." said Bangchan, "Well when you work you can call us by our stage names.  When we're off work you can call us by our preferred names.  Like off work you can call me Chan or Channie."

"You can call me Minho."

"You can call me Changbin or Binnie which ever you prefer."

"Hyunjin or Jinnie is ok with me."

"Jisung, Han, or Hannie.  I don't really care"

"Sure you don't Sungie" teased Felix

"Yah! I told not to call me that!" 

"But I thought you said you didn't care?"


"Anyway.. You can call me Yongbok or Felix."

"Just Seungmin please"

"Jeongin or I.N."  They all finished with the names and moved on to daily schedules. 

"I think that's all of us." said Bangchan. 

"Great! said Y/N typing the last few details into their tablet.

"Oh gosh I'm starving!" said Hyunjin. Everyone agreed in 'Mhm!' and 'me too'.  

"I'll go get food" said Lee Know standing up, "Y/N! Why don't you come with me? We can get to know each other more."

"O-Okay." said Y/N standing up.

"Everyone else head to the dorms.  We'll meet you guys there."

"K. See you Min!" Said HAN.  Lee Know slightly blushed at the nickname.  The only people who noticed were HAN and Y/N since they were a Minsung shipper, and the closet person standing next to Lee Know.  Y/N walked with Lee Know towards the convince store to grab a bunch of ramen bowls.  

"So Y/N tell me about yourself."

A/N:  So the next few chapters will be one on ones with Y/N.  Thank you for reading!  

Did I tell you that you are looking extra fine today? Hope you are having a great day or night!  Love you! <3

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