Dear Diary

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Dear Diary

What is happening to me? I thought I was a very practical, mature, and intelligent person. I don't think having feelings for someone is wrong, but everything has a correct time. I am just 14 years old and still in grade 9. My priority should only be studying right now. But the feelings I am having for Arnav, they have snatched away my peace of mind. Whenever I see him, I start feeling nervous. I unknowingly become conscious of my appearance, and how am I looking. Does he find me attractive? When last year Vinni was going through the same situation with Prashant, I made fun of her, schooled her for not being serious about studies. I thought I am very mature for my age, and I will never fell in such a trap and here I am, sitting on my study table at 1:00 am in the night spilling my secrets to you. Secret that I am even afraid to share with my bestie Vinni for the fear of being judged.

Since the day I have first met him, his looks have captivated me. No no..not just his looks. More than his looks, the confidence he exudes. He looks like some genius, well he is. It's been just 3 months since he joined our school but suddenly, he is so popular, a star in every teacher's eyes. He is winning every single quiz, debate competition. He is not bad at sports either. He has become the captain of the Vindhya house (Blue) basketball team. I don't know what he is. How can he be so good at everything? Affairs are doing round that he has already completed the syllabus of grade 9 and started syllabus of grade 10. He might be giving final exams for class 9 in the first unit exams itself and then will be promoted to grade 10. He will be ahead of me in studies? Here I am wasting my time fangirling him, will he even remember me when I am not even his classmate anymore? With this speed, by the time I reach grade 10, he might already be appearing for class 12. Oh my God, what I am doing? I can't be left behind. I need to catch up with him. There are only two paths in front of me, either forget him or study hard to catch up to his pace. But will I be able to do it? Will I always stay a stranger for him?


After jotting down her chaotic thoughts, Ananya took a deep sigh and closed the diary. It was already 1:30 am. It was getting late. She had to wake up early tomorrow. After all, tomorrow was a big day, the Investiture Ceremony of the school. She was being sworn in as Prefect of Nilgiri House (Red). He too would be to be sworn in as Prefect of Vindhya House. She had to deliver a speech as well. Although she had memorized it quite well, but she didn't get time to rehearse it nicely. Arnav's thoughts were not letting her concentrate on anything these days. She just hoped everything goes well the next day before switching off the light in the room.

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