chapter 2

22 1 0

Tweek pov)

I look in the mirror. Undesided what suit to wear.


I start to yank on my hair before I hear I knocking on my door.

"Sweetie! Can you let me in?"

I hear my mom's voice and open the door upset. Untill I look at what's in her hands.


"Yes Sweet pea, I belive this will be the perfect one for you and Craig's date!"

I take the red velvet suit out of my mother's hands and go back to the mirror.

I stand in awe as I lay the suit on top of my body and see how I look on it.

I start tearing up for happiness. It's perfect...


"COMING" I yell almost falling down the stairs.

And I swing open the door to Craig. He stands there with his suit on and roses in his hand.

"These are for you..." Craig wisperd.


"And you look wonderful tonight...." he smiles at me.

"Thank you Craig. You too...sweetie..."

I turn red and he put his hand out to take mine.

I let him hold my hand while he walks me to the school.

I remember my way to school and he takes a left instead of right.

"Craig?- you want the wrong way-"

"I know where I'm going. Just relax babe"

I look at him. Then forward again as he pushes some bushes and leaves out of the way.

I stare at what I see infrount of me.

He let's go of my hand and pulls out the chair from under the 2 setter table.

This whole place is beautiful. There's fairy lights, blankets, pillows, endless amont of coffe, more flowers.... and my favorite treat. Coffe cupcakes...

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