A Day To Remember, Or A Day To Forget

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It had been about two weeks since Snow was brought to the Underground. Her wounds were mostly healed from the attack, and she was now somewhat conscious and coherent enough to question where she was. And with that, Halo contacted Sam and told him to get Zephyrus and the kids and come as quickly as possible.

While Tubbo would have preferred not waiting to see her, they were forced to wait for Phil to arrive first so that they could bring him along. He hated it, having to bring a hero to their outpost, questioning their mother who was apparently a villain?

That was something to get through his head. His mother. A full-blown villain. Killing people just because she wanted to and could. After immediately finding out about it he'd been too detached to really process what that meant. He was technically her enemy, the one who would bring her in for those crimes. But she was his mother. And she'd been killing people regularly apparently since her appearance as that said villain. Even with nearly three weeks to process that news after he'd recovered, he was still incredibly.. well, split, about that.

He knew she'd done bad things before, both to him and to other children. She was cold and distant to other children around them in the labs, forcing them to do tests and not bothering a single moment to make them feel better. But with Tubbo and his friends? She'd latched onto them. While everything was fuzzy since he was little at the time, he had a suspicion it had to do with the fact that Tommy hadn't always had bee wings.

Hell, Tommy hadn't even been a hybrid of two different things before if he remembered correctly. Tubbo sighs. He loves her, his mother, Snow Angel apparently. She'd always been there for them, comforted them, held them, let them cry. He missed it, but he'd moved on. How was he supposed to react now? He was the man in the chair, he led them, took care of them when he had to, stepped in when he needed to. He'd learned to take care of himself. He hoped she'd be proud. He hoped that she would let him continue to be independent. He loved her but he'd moved on already. Her coming back has incredibly shook his resolve. With the others undoubtedly wanting to go back to being under her wing; what was he supposed to do now?

Torn. A simple word that could be used in a lot of different sentences. But for Tommy, Alexa and Mark, it meant they couldn't choose. Unsure of whether or not to feel happy mom was back, or angry because she had become something they were against, angry that she was a villain.

Mark had already somewhat made up his mind, choosing to wait and see what she would say before jumping to any conclusions or making accusations, despite the fact he had done his own research on Snow Angel, he wanted to give her a chance to explain. He was never one to just choose sides anyways. By no means did that make him less upset about the whole situation, he was far from it actually. But for everyone's sake, he was choosing to keep it to himself for now, at least until they got some form of answers.

Tommy on the other hand, he'd been angry for the past two and a half weeks, only smiling when he was working or someone asked him if he was alright. He hadn't decided what it was he wanted to feel when they made it to the Underground, dragging Phil back to the hospital. He had remembered when he got his bee wings, a result of the tests mom had done... 'Mom', he keeps calling her that, but he isn't sure if he wants to, not till she explained what the hell is going on. He tried to ignore it, the nagging in the back of his mind, the instincts that wanted nothing more than to have that old sense of safety back, to have his old flockmate back. He pushed it away, buried it in his anger and his want for more information.

Alexa was, well, she hadn't been her usual bubbly and happy self since finding her. She would still throw a smile at people every now and then, but she had been staying unusually straight faced. There weren't words to describe how she felt. She just couldn't get her mind off mom.. or Ethan. So she had opted to stay neutral to everything, only reacting when she needed to, did the work she needed to get done, and tried to be reassuring when people asked if she was alright. She tried her best for the two and a half weeks they had to wait for Snow to be coherent again, because that's all she could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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