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lander >>>>>>>>>> Jander

I been here since ep 1 and never shipped jander - like I always shiped Lander . People be sayin like if luke didn't exist they would been such a good couple or they have a chemistry. NO THEY FUCKING DONT- Jake has been bullying Zander since freshman year but stoped when he joined the club, like??? The fuck?

Also some people say that Zander had a small crush a Jake. No he didn't 💀 he been in love with luke and only luke. Expect for one time

Like in this scene👆 ( Ep

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Like in this scene👆 ( Ep.5 17:15)

A lot people say luke just was taking care of him when he was sick but Zander is crying. I read a one shot once that said this was after a ex of Zander's broke up with him.

That was probably the only time- like I don't understand jander at all i ship platonically tho but romantically that's a hell no

Rant over

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