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Sitting Up Late, Should Be Snoozing. But Thinking, Just Thinking.

What if?
What if I wake up tomorrow and everything is different what if I wake up tomorrow and I just completely change. Sometimes I think I'm stuck in a world with no altitude, no limits, just rushing you forth and pleading you on to an endless series of in depth emptiness. Stuck in a world where what if's seem to become reality because you think so oftenly of what people are capable of and when your life will end. You spend each day wondering , is the next my last. But when you are given a time stamp on your life. You do nothing but look at the world and wonder what ever happened , when the violence begin? When will it stop! And how will we over come the transition of life. We live in a world were people don't fear death but they fear life, and face death with open eyes.
Life is simple but we insist on making it complicated.

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