Chapter 1. Heretofore

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Kate Bishop had spent as long as she could remember as the star pupil of the Red Room. It had started back when she was six, and Drekov had started her training. He had implanted a little hour-glass shaped sideways bow tie thing into her wrist. And then she could learn anything.

It was the second day after she got it, and she had been communicating with Yelena completely in Russian. "Мы друзья, да, Елена?" We're friends, right Yelena?

Yelena had said yes. And it was so exciting. Helping Yelena- and Natasha- gain the skills they needed to keep going. Training with them because she knew all she needed to know, and then some and was always improving. Then came summer, and with it, time to visit her mother.

The Red Room was harsh, and she didn't want to leave Yelena behind. She begged her mom, but her mom insisted they spend time together. So she bribed Drekov, who at that point believed he could fully control Kate, to let Yelena leave with her for the summer. And Natasha- couldn't forget about her. Drekov reluctantly agreed, and that night she, her best friend, and her best friend's sister, lay giggling on the floor as they told each other stories.

Kate grew up with this as the norm. And everything went great until Natasha asked her out. How was she to explain her heart belonged to the first girl she'd ever trusted in the red room? So she said yes. And when Natasha begged her to run away with her, Kate said no. She refused to leave Yelena behind, and the red room had always been kind to her.

Later, she learned Natasha had joined the Avengers. She never told Yelena how she felt, and the two gradually grew apart as time went on, despite Kate's constant flirting attempts. She eventually discovered that her favorite hero was Hawkeye after he saved her mother and father from a horrific accident- though her father died from the injuries soon thereafter.

Then, when Kate was out on a mission, she learned of the death of Drekov and the fall of the red room. And then the snap. And when she learned that crucial detail, of Clint Barton, the person who saved her family from death, had died for a stupid orange rock, let's say she was less than pleased.


"Все просто: мы выследим ее, убьем и отомстим." Simple, we hunt her down, kill her, and get revenge. The first information she relayed to the black widows under her control. Her being Kate's ex-girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff. "И если мы ее не убьем, то причиним ей боль всеми возможными способами." And if we do not kill her, we make her hurt in every way possible.

"Would that not entail killing Yelena, to hurt her more?" Asked one of the widows, and immediately rage filled Kate. How could anyone suggest she hurt Yelena? She would never, ever, do anything to hurt her. Right? Well, unless a job called for it. She glared at the widow and uttered one word.

"Прекратить." Terminate.

The widow fell to the ground, dead, instantaneously. "Anyone else want to question my dedication to this job or moy luchshiy drug?" The translation for 'my best friend'. That's how you knew it was serious, what's when Kate annunciated each word to the point where you could almost break it down in English.

Nobody moved. Nobody wanted to move, because Kate was just that scary. Nobody would lay a finger on Yelena if they did not want their throat slashed and their family brutally murdered. Kate had made that clear. And if you even spoke of harming Yelena, Kate would end you so fast you wouldn't have time to write a will. Because Kate was just that scary.

In truth, she sometimes worried she was being a bit... unattentive. She hadn't seen Yelena in a while, and while she knew the woman was fine, she longed to see her best friend's face again. She missed it. Thinking back on how she got the mission... 


Kate's wrist vibrated. A new mission.

When she saw who it was that sent it, she smiled. But frowned slightly when she saw the rest. It read, 'From: Eleanor Bishop. You want revenge on the one responsible for Clint Barton's death?? It's strange, because just a decade ago she would come over and sleep next to you on the floor. I hear she even used to date you.'

Her mother wanted her to kill Natasha Romanoff. And Natasha Romanoff was responsible for Clint Barton's death. She and Clint's family were currently in New York City, for Christmas. It would be the perfect time to take her out discreetly. Kate sighed and pressed the 'Call to reply.'

"Привет, mother." The other widows fell silent, as Kate not terminating them was their main focus right now. "I'll do it, but only because she is responsible for Clint's death. I remember when I met him to thank him, and he seemed so happy to work with me as his sidekick, and now he's gone." That's right, she has worked as The Ronan's sidekick. She knew he was Hawkeye- and she had helped him anyway.

Now he was gone, and she had the mantle of Hawkeye. While she was honored, she hated herself for knowing she would be painting it red.

She was so distracted she didn't notice her mother talking. "-want to do it, you don't have to. Kate, sweetie, are you listening?"

"Yeah, mom, I'm listening. Thing is, I do want to. So I'm gonna do it. Не важно что."

"What? Kate, you know I don't speak Russian. What are you saying?"

"No matter what," Kate confirmed. "No matter what, I will kill Natasha Romanoff."

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