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"What's going on?" Mary asked as she entered the garage after Georgie called her in.

"You might want to sit," George SR said.

"Now you're scaring me," Mary said, concerned.

"No one died," George SR added quickly.

"Kind of the opposite actually," George muttered.

"Tell me," Mary demanded, looking at her husband who gestured to Georgie.

Mary turned to Georgie and crossed her arms as Georgie attempted to spit it out.

"...I'm gonna have a baby." He eventually said, quietly.

"Are you kidding me?!" Mary said loudly and in disbelief.

"It's true." Said George SR.

"Okay, now I do need to sit." Mary said and took a seat on the bed, George SR sat next to her and Georgie sat in front of them.

"Who is the girl?!" Mary asked.

"Her names y/n, she's my age and she's having my baby." Georgie shrugged.

Mary stood up in distress.

"I guess we're standing again," Georgie said as he and his father stood up.

"What are we gonna do?" Mary said completely panicked.

"That's what we're figuring out," George SR said, trying to calm his wife and himself.

"You're gonna have to marry her," Mary said, looking at Georgie.

"I think so too," Georgie shrugged and agreed.

"Hell no!" George SR said loudly and looked at the two as if they were insane.

"What do you mean 'no'? He got her her pregnant!" Mary said in a obvious tone and gestured to Georgie.

"Mary, they're both seventeen." George said in a obvious tone.

"Well, what choice do they have?" Mary continued, frantically.

"She's not gonna marry him,"

"What's wrong with me?" Georgie asked, offended.

"You're an idiot. You're irresponsible. You live in a garage and use a sink as a toilet!" George SR listed, counting with his fingers.


The three turned to a knock at the door and Sheldon's voice.

"Yeah, baby?" Mary yelled through the door.

"I was just wondering where everyone was." Sheldon said.

"We're just in here talking, we will be about in a little bit," Mary called back. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine, but Missy is watching a move called Porky's." Sheldon said.

"I don't know what that is," Mary said to her husband and son.

"That one's rough." Georgie said.

"Not good." Added George SR.

"I'll be right back in, baby." Mary called to Sheldon lastly before he walked off.

"You're gonna have to introduce us to this girl." Mary immediately turned on Georgie.

"And her parents." George SR added.

"Why?" Georgie asked.

"Cause she's having our grand baby, you dumb son of a bitch." George SR said immediately.

"George," Mary scolded him. "But what he said."

"I haven't even met her parents," Georgie scoffed.

"Well, good luck with that," George SR scoffed.


Y/n laid on her side on her bed. It was about half an hour after she told her parents she was pregnant and her parents were in the living room discussing.

Fiona sent y/n to her room saying, "I can't even look at you right now."

And here y/n was, knowing her life wasn't ever gonna be the same.

Y/n felt scared. All she felt was scared. But she was going to have this baby. That was out of the question.

She knew she had to do this alone. She heard her parents before and Fiona said, "she needs to get out of this house, I will not have this."

Y/n had no one else so she knew she had to go to the appointments alone and everything else.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing on her bedside table and she quickly picked it up.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey, I told my folks and they ain't happy," Georgie's voice said. "You tell yours?"

"Yep, they are discussing is they should kick me out of the house or not." Y/n said.

"Oh...well you can stay here whenever you need." Georgie said quickly.

"Thanks," y/n said, though she didn't really want to take up that offer.

"My folks want to meet you," Georgie continued. "And your parents."

Y/n knew that the meeting of them and the parents would have to happen and she was dreading it.

That would be a night of awkwardness. Her being judged and she would probably end up in tears.

"Yeah, so do mine, but I just need a little time, okay? It's all so much and I don't think I'm getting much support from my parents so I just need time to think," y/n said in a stressed voice and silence filled the phone line.

"Y/n—" Georgie started.

"I have to go," y/n said and hung up on him.

She put the phone back down and sighed as she laid back down.

She felt too overwhelmed.


The following morning, Mary sat at the kitchen table with her mother, Connie after a night of no sleep and a few cigarettes.

"You look like crap," Connie pointed out.

"Thanks," Mary sighed. "I didn't get much sleep."

"Something bothering you?" Connie asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well...there are some things going on that are of concern," Mary said and took a breath. "Before I say anything. I owe you an apology. I was just thinking about the hell i put you through when...I was pregnant with Georgie and how hard that must've been for you... I'm sorry."

"Georgie got that girl pregnant," Connie said, eyes wide and through gritted teeth.

"Keep your voice down...and yes." Mary sighed.

"Oh..." Connie sighed and put her face in her hands.

"Morning," Georgie said as he entered the house.

"I know everything," Connie said immediately.

"Dang it, why'd you have to tell her?" Georgie said to his mother.

"When do we get to sit down with her and talk this through?" Mary asked, ignoring Georgie's question.

"I don't know," Georgie scratched his head. "She will barely talk to me, don't think she's that eager."

"Why not?" Mary asked, sounding offended.

"Did you wanna meet George's parents when you were knocked up?" Connie turned to her and asked.

"I wasn't knocked up, I was with child and he's right there." Mary said, lowering her voice and gesturing to Georgie who waved when Connie looked at him.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now