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Later that day, y/n's parents had left and hadn't spoken a word to her.

She heard a knock at the door, expecting it to be Georgie but no it was his grandmother.

Y/n didn't know why, but she immediately thought Connie was here to judge her and yell at her about how she's ruined her grandsons life but instead Connie immediately said, "I'm not here to judge you or fight, I just want to talk."

It was if she could sense or smell y/n's fear at the moment.

"There's nothing to talk about," y/n said, distressed.

"It might be nice for you to meet Georgie's family, and for him to meet yours, it might make the situation easier on yourself." Connie said in a soothing voice.

"My parents aren't even talking to me," y/n said and was visibly upset.

"Just so you know, I went through this very thing with my own daughter, Georgie's mum. So we get it." Connie explained with a warm smile that gave y/n comfort for the first time in days.

"Really?" She asked.

"We just want to be helpful," Connie said, "So why don't you talk to your parents, and see if them and yourself want to come over tonight and...we'll discuss."


To say y/n was nervous was a major under statement.

Her and her parents were currently in the car on the way to Georgie's parents house.

Y/n sat in the back seat and had barely spoken a word to her parents. No one spoke.

Fiona just kept ranting about how y/n had ruined her life, while Keith just kept quiet.

Y/n hadn't particularly dressed up for this meeting but she didn't look terrible, she did want to make a good first impression.

She was just in for a awkward, uncomfortable and stressful evening.

Y/n wondered what her life might be like a year from now when she's had the baby. Maybe her parents eventually came around, and her and the baby still live with them. But she could only wonder.


"I don't see why I got to wear a tie." George SR said as he pulled at the tie from his neck.

He, Georgie, Mary and Connie sat in their living room waiting for y/n and her parents to arrive. Mary had sent Sheldon and Missy to dinner at Brenda's across the street as the twins didn't know Georgie was having a baby.

"Because we want to make a good impression," Mary replied to her husband, tapping her foot.

"She already met this bozo, aren't we past that?" George SR said, gesturing to Georgie.

"And her parents." Mary reminded.

"Right," George SR muttered.

"Hey, let's just keep this in mind. I didn't do this by myself. It takes two to tango." Georgie defended.

"Do you even know what a tango is?" Connie leaned forward and asked.

"It's sex, ain't it?" Georgie asked, now second guessing himself.

Mary sighed. "Pastor Jeff is right next door. Maybe I should invite him to join us."

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now