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Tw: mentions of neglect
• u and him plan how to assassinate koro sensei together.

• he smells like strawberries.

• gets into fights often and his fights often gets bloody.

• u always patch him up at the end.

• he's quite irresponsible about his wounds (he won't bandage them up properly, stuff like that.) So u have to remind him to change his bandages and stuff.

• slightly scared of Nagisa.

• won't admit it to anyone though.

• his ideal type is:
♡ someone shorter than him.
♡ wears glasses.
♡ is clingy.

• tries his hardest not to take his pranks too far.

• when he was in class A he was known for literally bullying the bullies.

• hates getting pranked himself.

• his love language is quality time.

• has trust issues.

• before he got into a relationship with u, whenever girls flirted with him, sometimes if he was in the mood he would tease them back jokingly.

• but it completely came into a halt once he got together with u.

• has mixed feeling about his parents. He hates them because they neglected him but feels obligated to love them because they're his family and he feels like he doesn't have it as bad as other people.

• hates school but tries his hardest and almost always gets A's.

• can be the nicest person when he wants to.

• u and him have movie marathons together, especially during the holidays.

• he needs to be cuddling someone/something (preferably u) every night to go to sleep.

• loves getting played with his hair. It makes him let his guard down.

• owns a strawberry and a strawberry cow plushie.

• in the beginning he couldn't cook for shit, but u taught him how to so now he's a decent home cook.

• gets a tongue piercing when he's older.

• a hopeless romantic but won't admit it.

• definitely had an emo phase.

• his notes are super messy.

• has all the merch from his favourite movies.

• for his birthday one time, u gave him a switchblade with his name carved on the handle.

• hates the principal with a burning passion. (I'm just projecting with this hc tbh)

• u and him have a tradition where on New Years Day u buy him a carton of strawberry milk and he buys u your favourite drink only from this very specific convenience store and the both of you drink your respective drinks outside the stores while talking about your goals for the new year.

• actually a big nerd.

• he's demiromantic and bisexual

• buys and drinks so much strawberry milk from this store near his home, at this point he's probably like their biggest customer. He also knows all the employees and is quite friendly with them.

• u both have frequent staring contests.

• when u chew gum, he has this habit of french kissing u before u finish chewing the gum to take the gum for himself.

• hates the taste of mint.

• uses kids' toothpaste because it tastes better.

• in public he's not the biggest fan of PDA, but in private he always has to be cuddling, hugging, kissing or holding u in some way.

• has occasional nightmares.

• whenever he gets a nightmare, he immediately turns around to hug u and make sure you're there and safe.

• his favourite bands are Mother Mother and The Living Tombstone.

• his possessiveness level is like a 6/10. If he sees u out with another guy he's just like 'eh, ok.' But if he sees them hugging u and if he doesn't like that person he'll just hug u from behind and glare at the other person.

• his favourite thing is when he wakes up in the morning next to u and when u smile at him in your sleepy smile, it'll get him so flustered.

• his other favourite thing is when u ask him about his favourite movies or his hobbies. He'll just rant about it for hours.

• loves laying on your thighs while he's playing video games (not in a sexual way obv).

• loves when u lay on his chest.

• has a god complex.

• loves when u bake him strawberry flavoured desserts.

• u guys have wrestling competitions often.

• loves to manhandle u and loves to see u beneath him.

• teaches u self defence.

• ups his pranks during April fools and his birthday.

• his classmates have to walk on ice during his birthday.

• pranks u less on ur birthday.

• the way he started collecting spices was when many years ago his parents once came back home from India with a lot of spices. He got intrigued and started collecting them from then on.

• whenever his parents come home (which his rarely) they always bring back spices for his collection.

• his sleep schedule was wack: he used to play video games all night on his console and took power naps ALL throughout the day.

• but when u started dating him, he'll improve his sleep schedule just so he could cuddle with u.

• during the holidays, sometimes you'd just fall asleep on his lap while he's gaming and he'll just kiss u occasionally. He also tries super hard to not make any noise.

• teaches u how to play video games and u guys have competitions. When he wins he brags about how he's so great at them. (🙄)

• his parents are converted Hindus.

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