cleaning wounds and big feelings

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Genre: fluff with a bit of angst

Plot synopsis: karma gets hurt in a fight defending y/n and he cleans him up.

(Trans male! Yn)

Tw: transphobia

Tw: transphobia_________________________________________

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2rd person pov:

'Geez...was that really necessary? I mean we could've just ignored them,' you said apologetic. 'And now you're all wounded and stuff. Just when your bruises from your last fight were getting kinda better....'

You talked while you knelt on your right leg, washed his injuries with a wash cloth and trembling hands, the smell of iron seemed to choke you.

Your boyfriend thrusted his face a bit forward which made you jerk back a little. 'Ignore them? How? They were saying all those shit about you and you just expect me to walk away?!'.

'But you got hurt because of me...,' you said, your voice trembling, tears threatened to spill out. You cleaned his wounds, the event replayed in your head again and again like a broken record. You tasted a bit of the iron in the air on your tongue when you spoke, it's metallic taste almost seemed to mock you.

'So what? So what if I'm hurt? I get injured fighting idiots almost everyday and you don't think I'd fight for you?! Of course I'd fight anyone who would dare disrespect you. Look at me n/n.' He said as he lifted your chin up with his left hand. You looked up to him, knelt with one leg and you softly dropped the bandage.

You saw his mercury eyes, filled with sadness and anger. You felt his rapid breaths, that's how close you were to him. His usual neat hair was a bit ruffled, and it seemed to cast a slight shadow on his face.

'Listen to me because I won't say this again. I'd fight any person who'd disrespect you. I know you think on how its not a big deal, but it is. I don't care how badly I get hurt but I will fight for you. Always.'

He said it before he pulled away. You picked up the bandages and continued on with your work, your overwhelming emotions threatened to burst at any time. But now, you felt oddly calm, and most importantly, you felt loved. You kept your focus at the pair of injured arms wanting to etch every detail of this memory into your mind.

After you've successfully finished bandaging his arm, you looked up to see him staring at you.

'What-,' you were taken off guard as he kissed you gently, while he held your arms in his.

'Dork,' he said as he pulled away. He felt amused by your surprise.

An: hey guysss, how was this oneshot? I truly tried my best to keep as close to the anime/manga as possible but it's been a while since I've watched the show. Anyway, have a great day/night and thanks for readingggg

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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