Rf! Wally x M! Reader (2)

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Since you were on a low budget, you went to search for jobs that were available for you or you can apply to. But, you soon realize all of them were taken, except this one place you can enter. You thought were ready to accept your fate of being broke, though, this job somehow was a life-saver.. However, what you're going to face you are agreeing to..is unusual.
(Same context)

Rf! Wally's Pov:

As soon I got off the phone with an unknown, I rested my fingers and eyes for a minute then open my eyelids back up and faced my paperwork. I groaned, even yawned a bit, however I looked at the time aswell.


I faced away from the clock then thought for a minute, I don't know how long I was up for when I received that call.. Oh well, at least I'm almost finished with my paperwork.

*After another hour*

As soon I finished, I went to check every employee to pay them for their effort on trying. Then, went to dismiss everyone from the factory and finally my turn to leave the facility. Packed my stuff, went out the door then took the bus home. I was still upset at those workers for fighting 7:00 IN THE MORNING, earlier ago. Anyways, as I got home, I hanged my lab coat up on one of the coat hangers, then went to do my usual night routine. Finally, I went to sleep after being so caught up on work like a busy dog.


Reader's/Your Pov:

You woke up, and looked to the side to check your clock.


Huh, seems like you woke up early. Anywho, you got out of bed and went to do your morning routine. After that, you went to check the time again.


Time's going by, fast. You shrugged it off and went to get ready then pulled out your phone to check the location that the man sent you.

*another while later, sigh😪*

As you got to the factory, you seemed to hear a honk behind you then turned around, a bus. As you glanced at the bus, some people were getting out of the bus, a postman talking to a man with black hair holding a clipboard, a blue dog, and some other co-workers. You watched them all go inside the factory, some noticed you but all of them didn-

"Ahem." A dark voice interrupted. Frozen in shock, you turned around slowly to see a 6'11 tall man, with dark blue hair and a cold stare, that'll send shivers down your spine. "Hello?" He hissed in annoyance when you aren't responding to him.

"Oh! Uh..morning sir." You nervously replied. He didn't seemed amused to see your appearance, which made him give you a nasty look. "And who are you, I must say?" He leaned in toward and stared deeply into your widen eyes. You gulped a bit. "(Y/n), sir." Hesitantly said.

He leaned back to his normal posture. "Well. Since you finally spoke, I perhaps might do the same." He responded calmly. His voice seeming to be dark and deep. "Names Wally Darling." He introduced himself. "Or call me boss, as everyone prefers, but if you're comfortable with sir more. Go ahead." Wally added on. You nod your head.

Wally then lead you inside the factory for a tour so you'll get a better understanding of this freakishly dimmed place. After an hour of the tour, the both of you were finished taking a glance of the factory. "Now, are you starting to understand here." He questioned firmly. You nodded your head.

"Good, now fetch me some coffee. I'll be at my office doing work." He ordered. You walked away from him to the kitchen. As you looked back, he seemed to be walking the other way with his arms on his back, to his office. You weren't paying attention to where you were going as soon as you looked back and accidentally bumped into a hurried postman.

"Oh, sorry there! I-I didn't notice you were there!" He apologized nervously as he helped you up. "Hey no worries! It all happens everytime." You forgived the kind man. "Anyways who are you?" You asked in confusion.

"Oh, I'm Eddie Dear! Even though people call me "clumsy mailman," but nice to meet ya!" Eddie responded quickly as he picked his hat off the ground. "Anyways, gotta get goin' see ya around!" He rushed his way past you to get letters passed out. You waved slightly as Eddie jogs quickly to hand out letters.

*after getting coffee for Wally😇*

Wally was in his office doing his work as usual, he seemed to be a bit tired of course. But a cup of coffee should do the trick. As you arrived, you knocked on his door.

"Hello, sir? I've got your coffee." You replied at the front of his door, hearing groans coming from the other side of the room. "Come in, its unlocked." He finally answered. You then open his door then walked inside, coming from behind him and setting it down on his desk. "Thank you." He said. As Wally took a sip from the coffee, it looked like he seem to like the taste of the coffee, due to his tired eyes widening a bit. He took a sip once more, then finishes it.

"Thank you once again, assistant." He calmly replied. You took the finished cup that settled back on his desk again.

"Assistant?" You thought. Yet, you shrugged it off and didn't seem to mind it. "Do you want more, sir?" You politely asked. Though, as Wally didn't want to favorite you as much as his employees, immediately. He took a second to process then simply nods without a single glance at you.

You leave the room while shutting the door behind you. That was the very first time you saw a pleasant reaction from him. But ususally, what he does to his employees are worse. As time goes on, it was finally time to head home. Before you were changing your uniform to your normal clothes, a knock interrupted your little session. You quickly finish changing then sat back down on the chair.

"Come in." You answered to whoever was at the door. Watching the door open, it was Wally. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. "Hello again, assistant." He greeted you, as he sat down with you. "Heya boss, is something wrong?" You asked gently. He shook his head, as he gave a metal grey case to you, something was inside it. "Open it when you get home, okay?" Wally calmly questioned. You kept your promise and nod your head.

"Come on, you might wanna take the bus, I don't want you to walk by yourself home."

You nodded as you got your jacket then put it on, grabbing the case then watched Wally get out of the chair. The both of you were awfully exhausted but glad to finally go home. You looked outside of the window at the back of the bus, and noticed Wally sat next to you, but didn't even bother taking a look at you. You smiled warmly, then looked back at the window.

*After getting back home*

You waved goodbye at one of your friendly workers, Eddie, Frank, and Ezra you recently became friends with at lunch. They all waved back with such warm smiles on their faces. As the bus started to move and your friends going back to their seats, you caught a glance of Wally looking at you with a slight smirk on his face, but noticed you were looking at him then he looked away.

You were surprised to see him smirk a little at you but chuckled and acted like it was nothing. Not aware that you were...catching feelings.

"Man, he does know how to make someone's heart flutter."

To be continued...

3 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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