Sweet Temptation - Part 1

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Case No:3 "Sweet Temptation".

If you don't remember, this episode ends with Elder Kettle trying to eat the now candy Cuphead and Mugman and the next one starts with them miraculously porcelain and unharmed again.


"WOOOAAAAAOOOO" the cups screamed, hurling themselves out the window and landing in a heap on the floor.

"Elder Kettle almost ate us!" Cuphead cried, "doesn't he recognise us!?"

"Guess we should get him some new prescription glasses," Mugman said, "what are we going to do?"

"Hmm," Cuphead thought, "if only we could obscure his vision to the point that he can't even tell that we're candy..."

Mugman gasped, "I think I've got an idea!"


"Elder Kettle," the brothers chimed, walking in through the front door," we're hooooome"

Cuphead and Mugman walked through the door, each wearing a massively oversized shawl that obscured them entirely.

"Oh hey boys," he replied, "I just saw these really tasty looking candy people. You just missed them."

Cuphead and Mugman turned their heads to try and look at each other and then continued walking into the house.

"Well ain't that just a treat," Cuphead said, "one of our plans actually worked!"

"Yup," Mugman said," and there's no way that this completely foolproof plan could ever..."


"Why is it so hot!" Cuphead complained

"Oh boy, this backfired," Mugman said, "we gotta get outa here before we get heat stroke."

Cuphead began to try and wriggle out of the shawl but Mugman pulled him back in.

"We can't get out yet," Mugman gasped, "Elder kettle will eat us!"

The two boys nervously looked over at Elder Kettle who was chopping onions in the kitchen.

"Come on!" Cuphead wheezed, "we've gotta get outa here. Run for the door!"

The two cups made a mad dash for the door

Cuphead immediately tripped on his massive shawl and fell flat on the floor. He then began using his arms to drag himself slowly across the floor.

Mugman did a sort of shuffle movement so he didn't trip on the shawl but because his vision was obscured by the hood he hit his head on the edge of a table. He stumbled backwards, clutching his head but tripped over Cuphead who was still dragging himself across the floor. Mugaman grabbed onto his foot and Cuphead continued to drag both of them across the floor.

Soon Cuphead hit his head on the door. Mugman jumped to his feet, clambered over Cuphead and opened the door. The two brothers tumbled out the door and landed in a heap on the front doorstep.

They immediately jumped out of their oversized clothing and panted.

"What are we going to do!" Mugman exclaimed, "we've been kicked out of our own house."

"Relax Mugsy, being a candy isn't that bad," Cuphead said, "how bad can it really be?"

Suddenly, something hit Cuphead in the back of the head. He was knocked forward but since he was gummy he bounced and landed back on his feet. Once his daze had worn off he looked at his attacker. It was the goat from the front yard.

Its eyes were yellow and swirling with a lust for sugar (I'm proof reading this and wondering, what the hell I was thinking. I'm not changing it though) and its mouth was dripping with saliva.

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