Chapter 4

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At Night, In Gotham


The group was put into a transport vehicle and now they were waiting for Turner. Skylar was sitting in between Cullen and Harper. "How can you just hit your brother?" Cullen asks Duela making the group look at him. "What?" Duela asks him. "I'm fine, Cullen. It was all apart of the plan." Skylar said to him making Cullen look at him. "I was scared and I was worried about you." Cullen said to Skylar as he holds Skylar's hands. "I'm fine, I have been in fights a lot worse." Skylar said to him. "Is it just me or is my brother getting soft." Duela said to them. "Only around him." Skylar said to her still looking at Cullen who was smiling at him.

A few minutes later, Turner was loaded up, the group watch as the guard cuffs Turner to the floor and handcuffs him before leaving the van. "I just want to say, great job back there." Duela said to him making Turner look at her. "With the fight. You made it look so convincing." Duela said to him with a smile. "That was supposed to be fake?" Turner asks them. "Well, the punches were real enough." Skylar said to him. "And much of the feelings behind them." Cullen said to Turner. "But we had to lure the cops in somehow. How else could we get our hands on a few of their little trinkets that we can use to get out of these cop locks?" Duela asks Turner as she shows Turner a GCPD pin. Turner looks over at Skylar who pushes a GCPD pin out his mouth while Harper pulls her pin out from her boot. "We all may hate each other, but we hate being dead even more." Harper said to Turner while she works on unlocking her cuffs. "What are you talking about?" Turner asks Harper while Skylar works on unlocking Cullen's cuffs. "What, you haven't figured it out yet? We didn't kill your dad any more than you did." Cullen said to Turner. "5 minutes in a cell with you, and we knew you didn't have the brains to be the brains behind this frame job." Duela said to Turner. "But whoever is behind it is gonna make sure we have a little accident inside Blackgate." Skylar said to Turner while looking at him. "Because the only way the setup works is if we all end up dead." Harper said to him. "Unless you want to join us in getting out of here." Duela said to him as the group hears footsteps walking to the door. "If I was you I would join us. It's better then a body bag." Skylar said to Turner then the doors open. A cop and Ford enter the van making Skylar lean back while holding Cullen's hand. "All aboard the Blackgate Express. Let's go!" Ford said as he hits the side of the van that starts moving. "Time to pick a side." Duela and Skylar said at the same time to Turner who looks at the two.

Later still in the van, Turner was still thinking about what he needs to do. Duela starts to pick her cuffs with the pin right infront of the cops. "What?" Duela whisper making Skylar smile at her as Ford looks at her. "What the hell are you doing?" Ford asks her. "Well, I'm trying to get these stupid handcuffs undone with this damn pin, and it's not working." Duela said to him with a fake frustration in her voice. The guard stands up and walks over to her making Duela look up at him. "Skylar, Cullen and Harper had no problem getting theirs off." Duela said to them slyly. "What?" Ford yelled making Cullen stand up and he kicks the guard in the balls while Skylar grabs Ford's hand that was holding a gun aiming at Cullen. Skylar twist Ford's wrist making him loose his grip and he drops the gun. Duela grabs the gun from the floor while Harper pulls out the cop's pepper spray and she starts spraying the guard in the face. Ford kicks Skylar away from him, Cullen turns to him as Ford grabs his baton to hit Skylar. Cullen pushes Ford into the wall as Skylar stands up. Ford pushes Cullen away from him then Skylar punches Ford in the face. Cullen walks up to them and he starts whacking Ford with it. The guard stumbled into Turner who pushes him back up allowing Harper to knock him out. Harper then throws Duela the handcuff keys and Duela starts to unlock herself. Cullen was start hitting Ford making Skylar put his hand on Cullen's shoulder. "It's okay, he is down." Skylar said to Cullen who stops beating Ford. Cullen turns to Skylar and he hugs Skylar tight. "What's it gonna be, bat brat?" Duela asks Turner making Skylar turn to them. "End up like your farther or fight like him?" Skylar said to him as Duela toss Turner her pin while the guard sit up with his stun gun. Duela reacts fast grabbing his arm from underneath with her left hand spin him around. Duela stands up and she manages to get infront of him still holding the gun. Duela pushes him back against the wall and she aims the gun at the driver through one of the small windows between them. Duela fires and it hits the guy's nack from behind, the electrocutes him making him fall forward making the van starts to swerve. Turner starts to unlock his cuffs, finally free as the swerving of the van starts throwing the group around. Cullen was thrown off balance and fall backward into Skylar who holds him. "I get you." Skylar said to Cullen while Turner goes over to the window and takes ahold of the wheel. "Hang on to something!" Turner yelled making the group hold onto metal piece of the walls. The van jerk as it hits something and it flips on it's side making Cullen land on top of Skylar. "You okay?" Skylar whisper to Cullen. "I'm fine." Cullen said to him.

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