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When we get at the party you can hear the muffled music and people talking .I follow Maya as she walk's up to the house Max only a few steps behind me .When we enter the house the music is so loud I can't hear myself think .
We make our way through the wave of sweaty people dancing and swaying there hips to the beat of the music . Maya leads us to a red sofa's were Mia and Landon are sitting both of them has a red cup in there hands
Mia is the first one to see us and jumps up to come and greet us
"Fuck look how pretty you two look " she cercle's us like a shark before pulling us in for a group hug . Landon comes from behind and pull's Mia off of us
"No need to get all emotional ".
Mia release use and we go and sit on the sofa . Max is sitting in the middle ,Mia on his left and Maya on his right .I go sit on the sofa across them and Landon sits on my left .
Mia and Maya start talking about a new movie crush they have and Max is off with a girl in a red mini skirt he really is the playboy type .
"How is your mother " Landon ask's he is now looking at me . He has bleu eyes but not as light as Maya's eyes his eyes are a shade darker but it's still a light blue he has dirty blond hair and always looks like he belongs to the country club.
"She is good she really missis us and says we need to visit her "
I smile at the mention of my mother ."I miss her and that cookies she used to bake just for me "
Landon is very charming and my mother loved to bake for him .
"And her beautiful green eyes "
he says with a charming smile and a wink . I can't help but laugh at him but my laughter is put to a stop when I feel a presence behind me . A presence that's dark and unwelcoming . I shive as I feel eyes on me .
As I turn around I am met with cold green eyes .The green is almost black and a face that looks bored of everything . He is looking at me ,his stare hold so much power . I have never met anyone with a presence this dark .
But there Elliot stands against the wall his arms and ankles crossed . He does not stop glaring at me. I rub my eye like I do when I am nervus or uncomfortable . When I look up again he is gone .
As I am about to release the breath I didn't know I was holding I feel hands on my shoulders . My blood runs cold at the touch . I feel his hot breath on the my ear and goosebumps start to form on my arms .
"Are you looking for me Stephanie " I can smell the mint of his breath as it hits my face and his low voice sends a shiver down my back .
I turn my face and I am met with his cold green eyes . He has hard features and high cheek bones . He has an effortless beauty like he does not care that he's handsome . And just like that he stands up tall again with a smirk on his lips leaving me without words because he really does scare the shit out of me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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